Friday, February 14, 2014

GMG Intentionally Focused Study Week 4 Day 5

Proverbs 31:30-31

S:  Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.  Reward her for all she has done.  Let her deeds publicly declare her praise.

O:  This scripture makes me think about aging.  How cute we are as babies and children.  As we grow older, we change and while we may still be attractive, our beauty hopefully grows more within.  Our hair grays, skin wrinkles, add a few pounds and we aren't as attractive in our aging bodies, but as we grow in the Lord we become more attractive in what matters most; being a follower of Christ.  (I may be way off base with this today, but it is what spoke to me as I was reading)

A:  I need to really pay attention to my actions.  Set a good example of internal beauty.  Show others that it is okay to go about your day's work and still serve the Lord in all I do and say.  Not laugh at lewd/cruel jokes just to go along with the crowd.  Be busy and follow the rules of the office and street.  Little sins are still sins all the same.  I need to be a good witness in ALL areas of my life.  (I loved this scripture.)

P:  Father, you know this week has been a rough week for many of us.  Thank you for making us uncomfortable.  Thank you for taking us out of our comfort zones and bending us a bit.  Thank you for ending this week with such an uplifting message.  Be with each of the GMG today and this weekend.  You know our strengths and weaknesses and are always right beside us to help us through each day.  I love you Lord and praise you for making me your child.


FFF: Since this week was about husbands and wives, I wanted to share that my husband built from scratch a wood fired, brick pizza oven.  It is the talk of our friends and neighbors.  We love having people over and making all kinds of pizza.  We just love it and it brings us much joy.  When we decided to sell the house to move to NC and had the realtor here to list the house, we both cried when we went to show her the outdoor kitchen he built.  She was in awe of it.  Made listing the house very bittersweet.  I will try to post a picture.

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