Monday, February 3, 2014

GMG Intentionally Focused Study Week 3 Day 1

Romans 8:6

S:  So Letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death.  But letting the Spirit control our mind leads to life and peace.

O:  Carnally minded or spiritually minded?  Governed by flesh or governed by spirit?  Flesh without the Holy Spirit=Death (miseries arising from sin.  Selfishness)  Mind of the Spirit is life and soul=peace.

A:  I need to be mindful of where my intention is.  Pay attention to whether I am focusing on SELF instead of Spirit.  I am so easily distracted and need to REALLY focus on things of GOD and make sure I am doing things for the right reason.  To be about His work and not work to puff up self.

P:  Father God.  I am distracted by things of this world.  I know you are near to me.  I feel you.  Please help me to be more focused, more mindful of your presence.  Help me to focus of things that will direct others to You and for your glory.  Thank you for giving me that knowledge of your presence.  Be with each of us this week.  Help each one to be focused on what it is we are letting control our thoughts and be ever mindful to change the direction if we are following our flesh.  In Jesus' precious and holy name I pray.



  1. Darla, thank you very much for sharing your Blog, your insights, your friendship, and most importantly for showing me how to become closer to God through his word. I love you!!!!

    1. Tammy~Your friendship is very important to me but more important is my relationship with my Savior. Without Him, I am nothing. I want everyone I come in contact with to know His love. I am so grateful you have found a relationship with Him. Just think now we can not only spend time here on earth together, but we will be able to spend eternity together. Yippee!!! I love you, too.
