Friday, April 3, 2015

LGG ~ 1st & 2nd Peter Study - Week 2 - Friday - Good Friday

Good Friday~

Reading 1Peter 2:23-25
S.O.A.P. 1Peter 2:23-24

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S:  He did not retaliate when he was insulted, nor threaten revenge when he suffered.  He left his case in the hands of God, who always judges fairly.  He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right.  By his wounds you are healed.

O/A:  What an example He is.  There really are no words to put in writing for this.  I need to fix my eyes on Jesus.  I need to remember, especially today, what he did to save me.  I am healed.

P:  Father as I enter this day, remembering what you have done for me, I am brought to my knees.  I ask forgiveness.  I accept your salvation.  I am healed.  I ask that you help me keep my focus on You and You alone.  Thank you Jesus.  ~Amen

Thursday, April 2, 2015

LGG ~ 1st & 2nd Peter Study - Week 2 - Thursday

Good morning~

Thankful Thursday.  What are you thankful for?

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I am thankful for my salvation.  I can't imagine how lost I would be without Him.

Reading 1Peter 2:18-22
S.O.A.P.  1Peter 2:20-22

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S:  Of Course, you get no credit for being patient if you are beaten for doing wrong.  But if you suffer for doing good and endure it patiently, God is pleased with you.  For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you.  He is your example, and you must follow in his steps.  He never sinned, nor ever deceived anyone.

O/A:  Be patient.  Do good no matter what.  He is my example.  Follow Him, the perfect example.  Seems simple, but I make it hard.  I always have something to work on.  Always striving to do better and please Him.  No one but my Savior.

P:  Father, you sent your Son to be my example.  Reading your word and practicing daily to follow his example is helping me.  I need to focus more on the good you put before me than the suffering.  I struggle daily, but my struggles are nothing in comparison to what others endure and definitely not what Jesus endured to save me.  Let me find joy in my sufferings.  Forgive me for my grumbling spirit.  In your Son's precious name I pray.  ~Amen

Have a beautiful day.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

LGG ~ 1st & 2nd Peter Study - Week 2 - Wednesday

Good morning Girls~

Boy oh Boy it does not pay to take a few days off.  I am really paying for it at work.  It feels like the fifth Monday of the week and it's only Wednesday.  I hope you all are having a great week. 

Reading today is  1Peter 2:11-17
S.O.A.P. 1Peter 2:15-17

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S:  It is God's will that your honorable lives should silence those ignorant people who make foolish accusations against you.  For you are free, yet you are God's slaves, so don't use your freedom as an excuse to do evil.  Respect everyone, and love the family of believers.  Fear God, and respect the king.

O/A:  WOW!  I am so convicted by these words.  How often I say things I shouldn't say about someone and especially someone in a place of authority.  I easily go along with the crowd and their accusations.  Largely right now, I think of our government.  It takes a huge hit of criticism, and even if rightly so, it is not my place to judge.  I am commanded in His Holy Word to respect those in authority even if I don't agree.  God is the judge and if I believe, I know He will take care of it in spite of any differences.  Also, when I feel rejected or am dealing with ignorance and mean spirited people, I need to realize that these trials, as uncomfortable as they are, are nothing in comparison to what Our Lord endured to save me from my wretchedness.  He is using these trials for good.  Making me stronger.  Preparing me.  I need to really remember this as I struggle with my job.  

P:  Father, I am humbled and come to you today asking forgiveness for my slandering tongue.  I have been critical and not supportive of those in places of authority, especially our President.  I ask forgiveness as I should be in constant prayer and support knowing You are the One in control.  Please give me a heart that will serve and honor you in all that I say and do.  Thank you for the trials in my life.  Even though they are hard to go through and I have a hard time understanding the 'WHYS' I do know you love me and care for me and will not leave me.  Thank you for your Son, sent to save me.  I should not have one thing in life to complain about, but my weak human self lets the complaints slide easily from my lips.  Please place your hand over my mouth when I start to utter any word not pleasing to you.  Nudge me to think before I speak.  I am unworthy, but I am cleansed.  I am free.  ~Amen

Girls, I don't know about you, but these studies are working on me.  I am so very grateful for LGG and for each of you for sharing.  Seeing the growth in our group is amazing.  

Be blessed and a blessing.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

LGG ~ 1st & 2nd Peter Study - Week 2 - Tuesday

Good morning Girls~

Here is the weekly challenge:

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Reading 1Peter 2:7-10
And S.O.A.P.

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S:  But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people.  You are royal priests, a holy nation, God's very own possession.  As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.  "Once you had no identity as a people; now you are God's people.  Once you received no mercy; now you have received God's mercy."

O:  Chosen.  Called.  Mercy.

A:  I am chosen and called to be God's very own.  This is a very honorable calling.  Do I live up to being God's chosen each day of my life?  Not always.  I do try.  Praise Him that he gives me another try day after day.  I need to stay in His Word and keep Him my focus, daily.  I love the word picture in these passages of being a stone that is used to help build.  Ladies, we are making a beautiful sanctuary for Him.  As we continue to study and add more ladies to our group, our building is becoming a lovely offering for Him.

P:  Father, thank you for choosing me.  Thank you for using me.  Thank you for your mercy.  Thank you for each of these women and calling us out of darkness into your light.  Even though we may fall, You pick us up and dust us off and use us for your glory to further your kingdom.  Be with each of us this day and help us to choose the path you have laid before us.  Keep my mouth from grumbling.  I have so much to be thankful for, I should not utter a word of disappointment.  I ask these things in your precious Son's name.  ~Amen

Thought provoking from the You Version app:  What is my response to this gift from God? Do I take my “chosen” status in the Lord for granted? Do I proclaim my Lord’s name with my words alone, or do I also proclaim Him with my attitude, my behavior, and my obedience?

Praying for each of you.  Be blessed and a blessing.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

LGG ~ 1st & 2nd Peter Study - Week 1 - Thursday

Good morning~

Sorry for being a little late this morning girls.  I am still dealing with this pain and lack of sleep but pushing through.  

Thankful Thursday.  What are you thankful for today?  I am thankful for warm sunshine and my loving husband.

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Reading 1Peter 1:17-21
S.O.A.P. 1Peter 1:17, 21

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S:  17 And remember that the heavenly Father to whom you pray has no favorites.  He will judge or reward you according to what you do.  So you must live in reverent fear of him during your time here as 'temporary residents."  21 Through Christ you have come to trust in God.  And you have placed your faith and hope in God because he raised Christ from the dead and gave him great glory.  

O:  No favorites. Judge/reward according to what I do.  Reverence and fear.  Temporary home.  Faith and hope.

A:  Again these verse hit home.  I don't want to always be finding the negative points in my life, like yesterday pointing out my lack of self-control, but these verses do make see how I fall short.  However, they also give me hope and know there is redemption.  Praise God!  When I think of how I live my life in comparison to other Christ followers, WOW I am very lacking.  I have so much work to do.  I miss (purposely and unintentionally) opportunities all the time.  I KNOW I can do better.  I need to do better.  When I think of what Jesus did for me, an unworthy sinner, why then should I not be devoting my entire life to be doing and telling the world who He is?  Praise God it wasn't left up to me.  Praise God for Jesus.  I sit here in tears thinking of the pain and death he endured for me, and I, this unworthy soul am cleansed in his righteous blood so that I may live with him in eternity.  Oh I cannot wait to see the home he has prepared.  I need not complain of these minor aches and pains.  I need to remember that they are the suffering on my road to being whole.  He is polishing this diamond for the world to see.  I must be his example in this dark world.  They are watching how I react to my trials.  Am I complaining or am I glorying God?

Here are a few questions to ponder from the You Version devotion today.  I know they have me thinking:

If someone were to watch your behavior, listen to your speech, observe your attitude, and witness your entertainment for a 24 hour period, would they be able to tell that there is something different about you? Would that person see God in you? God sees all that we do. We have the privilege of calling God our Father, and that privilege comes with responsibility.

P:  Father, I cannot wait to see what you have prepared for me.  I can't wait to be home with you in glory.  Thank you for sending your Son to save me from the mess I was, the mess I would be without Him.  Thank you for giving me a life to serve you.  I only pray that I am living a life that is pleasing to you.  I know I miss many opportunities along my path each day.  Give me the eyes to recognize and use the opportunities you place before me.  Let me shine in this dark world.  Let people look at me and know I am changed, different because of you.  Let me give you all the glory, honor and praise.  In Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviors name I pray.  ~Amen

Let me end with this song.  It is one of my favorites.  Link to the youtube video:

I came up out of the water
Raise my hands up to the Father
Gave it all to Him that day
Felt a new wind kiss my face
Walked away, eyes wide open
Could finally see where I was goin'
It didn’t matter where I been
I’m not the same man I was then.

I got off track, I made mistakes
Back slid my way into that place where souls get lost
Lines get crossed
And the pain won’t go away
I hit my knees, now here I stand
There I was, now here I am
Here I am

I got a lot of “hey I’m sorry's”
The things I’ve done, man that was not me
I wish that I could take it all back
I just want to tell 'em that
Tell 'em that

I got off track, I made mistakes
Back slid my way into that place where souls get lost
Lines get crossed
And the pain won’t go away
I hit my knees, now here I stand
There I was, now here I am
Here I am

I’ve changed for the better
More smiles, less bitter
I even started to forgive myself

I hit my knees, I’m here, I stand
There I was, now here I am
Here I am, here I am
I'm changed
Yes, I am
I’m changed for the better

Thank God, I'm changed.

I love you girls.  Have a great day.

PS:  We have a showing today of our home in PA.  Please say a little prayer.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

LGG ~ 1st & 2nd Peter Study - Week 1 - Wednesday

Good morning~

Actually it is evening.  I'm doing this a little early because we are leaving at 3am.  But I will be back to normal time Thursday morning.

Reading 1Peter 1:13-16
S.O.A.P 1Peter 1:13,15

Inline image 1

S:  13 So prepare your minds for action and exercise self-control.  Put all your hope in the gracious salvation that will come to you when Jesus Christ is revealed to the world.  15 But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy.

O:  Prepare.  Exercise self-control.  In everything I do.

A:  WOWSA!  This is tough.  I have a hard time with self-control.  I need to really examine my life and my actions.  If I prepare myself and practice it in EVERYTHING I do, then I should become better at it.  I could put a little 'BUT' in here.  I won't though.  You would think at my age I would be better at this self-control thing than I am.  As I look at my body and even my lifestyle, I have a lot of work to do.   By the grace of God, he keeps working on me.

P:  Father, thank you for not giving up on me.  Thank you for loving me enough.  I am weak.  I lack self-control.  I wish I learned earlier in my life so I would be better than I am right now, but that was not your plan and I accept that.  Thank you for the trials in life.  They are difficult, but you have given them to me to allow me to lean more on you.   Without you, I can do NOthing.   No thing!!!  I need you.  You are my hope.  Father forgive me.  Father, I want to also thank you for these beautiful women.  Thank you for bringing us together.  Thank you for renewed faith.  Thank you for testimonies.  Thank you for hearing our prayers.  Thank you for healing.  Thank you for unanswered prayers.  You know our struggles. You know our weaknesses.  You know exactly what we need when we need it.  We need You.  Let each woman in this group feel your overwhelming presence right where they are.  I know you are putting this prayer on my heart tonight for a reason.  Whatever it may be, Father use it for your glory and yours alone.  Healing.  Healing.  Healing.  That is what you are telling me tonight.  Lay your healing Hands upon those who need you.  Let them cry out to you, Father.  I am crying out to you.  I ask all these things in your precious and holy Son's name.  ~Amen

In His Precious name,

LGG ~ 1st & 2nd Peter Study - Week 1 - Tuesday

Good morning Girls~

Hope you all made it through Monday.  I went into Monday with a better attitude than usual and it really helped.  One thing at a time.  Even after a long day at the office, I came home to put a few hours into my flower beds.  What an accomplishment.  I am sore today, but cannot wait to see how pretty they will look in a few weeks.  Tonight we are leaving for Florida.  Don't worry, I am well prepared for the study, but please bear with me if I have any traveling technical difficulties.  Please pray for travel safeties and also our pups be well cared for while we are gone.

Reading: 1Peter 1:6-12

S.O.A.P.: 1Peter 1:6-7

Inline image 1

S:  So be truly glad.  There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while.  These trials will show that your faith is genuine.  It is being tested as fire tests an purifies gold - though your faith is far more precious than mere gold.   So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.

O:  Be glad.  Wonderful joy.  Many trials.  Genuine faith.  Tested.  Precious faith.  Strong faith.  Praise, glory and honor.  Jesus revealed to the whole world.  

A:  This talks again of my faith.  Going through difficult times, no matter the level of difficulty, proves my 'genuine' faith.  It shows how strong or weak I am, and it also shows my dependence on Christ.  I can either show the world how weak I am and my lack of dependence or show the world how strong my faith is in Him who carries me when I can no longer put one foot in front of the other.  One thing in particular I picked up is Jesus will be revealed to the whole world.   Saved or not, everyone will see him for who he is, our King of glory.  The one who says I am far more precious than mere gold.

P:  Father, thank you for giving me the trials in my life.  For making me strong.  For carrying me when I don't think I am able.  Thank you for loving me.  I know I am not always thankful in my times of trials, but in it all, you bring me through and show me that I can depend on you.  Please be with me as I walk that others may see your light in me.  ~Amen

Have a beautiful day.

Monday, March 23, 2015

LGG ~ 1st & 2nd Peter Study - Week 1 - Monday

Good morning~

Welcome to day one of our new study.  I am so excited to share this journey with each of you.  Be ready to hear what God has to say to you.  Be ready to share.  Be ready to be changed.  God is so good!

Our weekly Challenge:

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Reading: 1Peter 1:1-5

S.O.A.P. : 1Peter 1:3-4

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S:  All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  It is by his great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead.  Now we live with great expectation and we have a priceless inheritance - an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay.

O:  Pure, undefiled inheritance in heaven.

A:  Oh my!  This makes my so excited for what is to come and also reminds me this world is not my home.  I need to be living in the moment and for the moment.  I am given opportunities beyond my imagination.  I need to stop living a ho-hum kind of life and be living for the now.  This isn't ever going to be heaven.  What He has for me in eternity is beyond what I can possibly imagine.  Jesus bought it for me.  My faith gives me HOPE for my future.  My inheritance in heaven will be waiting for me fresh, new and pure on the day of my arrival.  So I have no need to think the suffering here on earth will prevail.  It is only temporary.

P:  Father, the inheritance you have prepared for me is beyond anything I can imagine.  Forgive me for not living this temporary precious life to the fullest.  I should be serving you so much better than I am.  Prod me forward, Lord.  Let my hope never falter.  Thank you for the faith you have instilled in me.  Be with us as we begin this new study.  Open our hearts and minds to better learn your word and path for our lives.  Let us always put you above everything in our lives.  Let us serve others in your name to bring all glory, honor and praise to You and you alone.  In Jesus' precious name.  ~Amen

Be blessed and a blessing.

Friday, March 6, 2015

LGG ~ Made for Community - Week 8 - Friday

Good morning Girls~

Happy Friday and our last day of this study.  I hope you all learned and grew in this study whether you posted every day, sometimes and even not at all.  I love each of you and have learned much from this study.  I honestly think in all the studies I have done with LGG, this was my favorite and one that has opened my eyes the most.  I pray each of you has had a similar experience.   

Today's reading is Mark 9:30-37.


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S:  He sat down, called the twelve disciples over to him, and said, "Whoever wants to be first must take last place and be the servant of everyone else."

O:  Serve others.

A:  This week has been a very clear week for me.
  • Action
  • Be eager and ready to do good
  • Be open to all
  • Confess and pray
  • Serve others
What a simple plan.  I make it hard.  I am so thankful to have these reminders.  God's word is so valuable to us.  It is always available for us to turn to when we need direction or help.  I need to be ready to do all of the above at any time I am called to for his people and for his glory. 

P:  Father thank you for giving me your direction.  Thank you for picking me up when I stumble and putting me back on track.  Thank you for your mercy every morning.  Thank you for this group of women.  Thank you for giving me the desire to keep going when I wanted to quit.  Thank you for letting them share their hearts with each other.  Bind us together in a friendship to last for years to come.  Hold each in your arms and give comfort, peace, love, mercy, forgiveness and grace where it is needed.  Let us always look to you first.  Let us bring all we have to you in prayer.  Give us eagerness to be ready to serve others when we are called.  Give us the confidence to step out of our comfort zone and be about your work and for your honor and glory only.  I ask this in Jesus' name.  ~Amen.

In His Love,

Thursday, March 5, 2015

LGG ~ Made for Community - Week 8 - Thursday

Good morning Girls~

Thankful Thursday.  What are you thankful for?  I am thankful for my mom.  She graciously came here, on her birthday no less, knowing I would be working.  She has cooked, hemmed pants, taken care of the pups, been lonely, been cold and enjoyed some sunshine. I have enjoyed just being together and I am thankful for every moment we have had this week. 

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Our reading today is James 5:13-20


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S:  Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.  The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.

O: Confess.  Pray.

A:  I have to really confess that my prayer life is lacking.  I do pray, but not constantly and in all situations and not first before talking about my concern with someone.  What I read today in the LGG plan from You Version today really made sense to me.  Sometimes I tend to make prayer harder than it is.  I need to realize it is conversation with my Friend who hears and knows what I am going to ask even before I go to Him.  It doesn't need to be eloquent.  Just conversation.  I also need to be sure to take time to listen.  I need to slow down.

This is what I read today in You Version today.  I hope it will help if you are struggling with prayer like I do:

Prayers are the honest thoughts and desires of the heart and mind converted into a form of communication directed towards God. Prayer isn’t just words, but power. The power comes from God Almighty who hears and answers all prayers. Prayer doesn’t rely on any special words we say, any particular ritual, any particular time, nor does it rely on the amount of faith we have when we speak to God. Prayer flows from the awareness that God is involved and engaged in every aspect of our lives.

P:  Father, thank you for for giving me direct access to you.  Thank you for making this simple.  Thank you for being my Friend.  I need only come and ask and let you take care of everything from there.  Let me always remember to come to you first and in all things.  In your Son's precious name I pray.  ~Amen

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

LGG ~ Made for Community - Week 8 - Wednesday

Good morning Girls~

Last night I had the privilege of video chatting with some woman from another LGG group.  It was so wonderful to see the women I have prayed for, prayed with and who have prayed for me.  It was a wonderful time of fellowship.  We were able to gather through Google.  

I would love for our group to be able to do this sometime.  I am not sure how it works, but would be up for the challenge if any of you would be interested in doing this.  It is nice if you have sound and video on your device, but if not, we had one woman who typed along with us.  It was pretty amazing and 'seemed' simple enough.  If any of you have some time to check it out and report back to the group, let us know.  

Our reading today is Hebrews 13:1-3


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S:  Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!

O:  Be open to all.

A:  I know I am lacking in this.  It is easy to stay in my little comfort zone.  Quite frankly, I like it in my comfort zone.  A LOT!!  But this is not what God calls us to do.  And the thought of entertaining angels is a great thought.  Have you ever encountered someone who gave you that peaceful, calming feeling?  One you felt drawn to?  That feeling always makes me wonder if I had just encountered an angel. 

P:  Father, give me confidence to step out.  I want to care for your people.  I want to care for those who don't know you.  I want to do your work.  I know I fail you.  I ask forgiveness.  Be with me today.  Give me the signs I need to know where you need me to go.  In Jesus' precious name.  ~Amen

Be blessed and a blessing.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

LGG ~ Made for Community - Week 8 - Tuesday

Good morning Girls~

Our reading today is Romans 12:9-21


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S:  When God's people are in need, be ready to help them.  Always be eager to practice hospitality.  Don't let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.

O:  Ready and eager.  Do good.

A:  How often am I ready and eager to good to someone who has wronged me?  When someone is not so nice or is just plain ugly and mean to me, it leaves a bitterness and feeling of revenge inside me.  I need to work on this in my life.  I need to always be ready to turn the other cheek and swallow it.  That doesn't mean I need to like it.  I can still dislike the nasty but I need to leave the punishment and payback to God.  That is his and his alone.  (another thing in my life I need to let go of)

P:  Father, praise your holy name that you are in control.  Forgive me for getting in your way (again).  Help me to be always ready to do good and be eager about it.  It is not easy especially with vindictive, nasty people, especially those who do not know you.  ~Amen

Have a great day girls.

Monday, March 2, 2015

LGG ~ Made for Community - Week 8 - Monday

Good morning~

Our reading today is 1John 3:16-24.


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S:  Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.

O: Action.

A:  So many things came to mind this morning as I read this.  Gave me flashbacks of being a cheerleader.  ACT   -   ION.  Action.  Action.  WE WANT ACTION!!  Isn't that what God is asking us to do?  We have talked and learned and read.  It is time to move.  I was really struck by what I read this morning in the You Version app.  

The true indicator of a Christian’s faith is not in what she says, but in how she lives her life. If people were to watch a silent movie of a random day in your life, would they see a reflection of Jesus through your actions? 
What would others see in my silent movie?  I need to keep this in my mind at all times.  Am I being a ambassador for The Lord with my actions?
P:  Father, thank you for giving us your Holy Spirit.  Thank you for giving us the still small voice that leads us and directs us.  Forgive us when we ignore it.  Give us the nudge, even the swift kick in the pants we need to move and be about your work.  Let us love one another in ways we never even dreamed of.  This is a dark and hurting world.  People need you.  Just like Juan.  Let us be a community of women who don't get hung up on the particulars or the rules and just move for You.  In Jesus precious name.  ~Amen.

Be about God's business in all you do today, Girls.