Friday, February 20, 2015

LGG ~ Made for Community - Week 6 - Friday

Happy Friday!

Today I want to share with you an email I received yesterday from some dear friends of mine.  They asked that we share this with anyone we felt led to share with.  I wanted to share with you gals.  God sent it right at the right time with our study.  I love how He does that.

First of all, I want to apologize for getting this out later than planned.  Time has been of the essence lately. 

In recent days, God has been planting a word in my head over and over again to have a challenge to all my brothers and sisters for the Lenten season and beyond.  It is often commonplace during Lent that people might give something up or decide to do without.  The word I have been getting is, let’s reverse that this year and add something Christ like to our daily routine.  I am not saying to ignore the idea of removing something, if that is God’s desire for you, just consider adding something this year.  This can be done on a personal basis or collectively as a group.  Maybe it needs to be one thing, maybe a combination of several things.  Examples would be: daily communion, extra time for prayer, intercession, taking extra time studying the Word, random acts of kindness, etc.  I believe it can be easy to remove something from our lives because it really requires little effort physically.  But I believe if we add something to remind us of Jesus daily, hopefully after a while it will become a habit since it encourages us into action for Him and then we can continue this challenge long after Lent is over.  By the way, if you miss a day, don't worry, just pick it back up the next day, God will give you grace.

That being said, Amy and I would like to challenge everyone to Step Up For Jesus this Lenten season and beyond and step out of your comfort zone and into His comfort zone and begin or increase the work we can and will do for Him.  After all, I believe this is what He would want and be proud of. 
Thank you and God Bless,
Jeff and Amy Pyle


1Peter 4:7-11


Inline image 1

S:  God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts.  Use them well to serve one another.

O:  Variety of gifts. God given.  Use them well.  Serve.

A:  I know I don't need to dig deep to know what my gifts are.  Quite honestly I can name a few off pretty quickly.  Now using them, I may not be as quick.  Many of my gifts/talents lay dormant for one reason or another. Fear.  Laziness.  Impatience.  Selfishness.  I think you get the picture.  All of those EXCUSES are from directed by satan.  So it all comes back to love of my neighbor, friend, stranger, family.  I need to pull these gifts off the shelf, dust them off and use them.  Time is wasting.  Life is short.  God has blessed me in many ways.  What a shame and sin to waste these God given gifts.  I need to use them well and serve as many as I am able.

P:  Father, thank you for a week of eye opening scriptures.  A few I have read many times over but have received new meaning and understanding.  Open my eyes to opportunities to use these gifts.  Use my feet and hands to accomplish the tasks you set before me.  Open my heart to loving and serving others.  I ask that you be with each of he women in this group.  We all carry burdens that only you are able to lighten.  You have given each of us gifts.  Help each of us recognize and use what you have given us so that we may further your kingdom and serve those who do not know you and those who are already yours.  Be with each of us this weekend.  The weather has been so cold in many areas.  Keep us all safe and warm and if there is need to care for those who are without shelter or food or just need a friend, let us be willing to open our hearts and homes to those in need.  In Jesus precious name I ask these things.  ~Amen

Stay warm Sisters.

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