Tuesday, March 25, 2014

#SRT ~ Jonah 3 & 4

A second chance
Obedience at last

Oh how we are like Jonah!  We run far away in our sins.  We realize how far we have sunk in our sins so we repent.  We are forgiven.  We come to obedience.  God has mercy.  He shows undeserved mercy.  We judge.  We point fingers.  We get angry.  God is so gentle and kind and shows us mercy, even in our anger.  We don't deserve the matchless grace and mercy He freely gives.  Yet we fall to our knees and ask for it over and over.

What a vicious cycle.  Our sinful nature sometimes gets in the way of showing others how loving God is.  We get angry when in our minds others aren't deserving of the grace and mercy He gives.  Thank God it isn't up to us to decide.  Who are we to judge?  God shows us grace, mercy and forgiveness and we don't deserve it.

Romans 3:23 All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.


  1. Thank you very much Darla for the very uplifting words this is so true.I find myself getting angry when I really shouldn't about what he or she did or didn't do . it's not my place, it's funny I recently started praying that instead of asking God to change certain things in people that I'm not happy with ( really Ok who am I) I Pray for him to work in me for patients,understanding , and to trust in him that he's got this. This has been a great study looking forward to the next one.
    Have a Blessed Sunday, Sandra

  2. Sandra~Thank you for your comment. It means a lot to me that you took the time to read and comment. Isn't it wonderful how He works on us and makes us look inside ourselves. My uncle used to always tell me, 'Darla, remember when you are pointing your finger at someone, you have four others pointing back at you!'. That will always stick with me.

    Be blessed and a blessing, Sandra. :o)
