Monday, March 10, 2014

GMG Intentionally Focused Study Week 8 Day 1

S:  Psalms 139:14  Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!  Your workmanship is marvelous - how well I know it.

O:  I love the EXCLAMATION POINT.  It shows excitement!!  Wonderfully complex!  Marvelous workmanship!

A:  I am in awe of how God has created each one of us wonderfully complex and we should be so excited about it.  When I look at this body and how I have cared for it, I am ashamed, but I know that I have have been redeemed and forgiven and can do better. I am so thankful that His mercies are new every morning and I can begin again.  So today, I will do better than yesterday.  I will be mindful of the things He has shown me through this scripture.

P:  Father thank you for this wonderfully complex body.  How marvelous it it.  I know I am not perfect and have not been a good steward of this body.  But you love me anyway.  You have created me and I love how you knit me together in my mother's womb to be who I am right now and exactly who you want me to be.  Guide me in my choices to grow and be the woman you created me to be.  Thank you for your mercies new every morning.  I fail every day, but I can begin again every day as long as I am in you and You are in me.


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