Thursday, March 27, 2014

Preparing my heart for the new GMG Easter Study

Good morning.  This has been a very busy week for me.  I have been in some intense training for my job and my brain is exhausted.  When I am this exhausted, I am more easily distracted.  I think satan uses these times to weezle his way into our lifes and soak up our time.  There are so many mind numbing distractions, TV, radio, internet, etc.  Please share how you overcome the obstacle of distractions in your study life.

I am really looking forward to starting our new study next week for many reasons.  But most especially to have a clear direction on what we are to study each day.  I need to regain my focus.

My S.O.A.P.  for today is just perfect for next week's study.  I asked God to please help me find something to S.O.A.P. today as I was going for my coffee.  When I came back to the room where I study, laying on the floor was a book marker with this scripture.  How wonderful God is!!!  I love when He does this for me.  (and I recognized it, often, I miss these little treasures)

S:  Colossians 3:16 Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives.  Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives.  Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.

O:  Rich message about Christ.  Teach and counsel each other with wisdom from Him.  Sing songs to God with thankful hearts.

A:  This message is perfect for the journey we are about to take.  Over the next few weeks, let us take the richness of God's message and share with each other what He lays on each of our hearts.  Let us teach and counsel one another with the wonderful wisdom that can only be found in His word.  Then, let's worship Him with songs and thankful hearts for the rich message of wisdom we have gained from Him.  All glory, honor and praise be to God.

P:  Father, thank you for giving me your word this morning and every morning.  Be with each of the women in this group, each that has trusted and obeyed your calling to this study to dig deeper into your word and in a relationship with you.   Be with each of us exactly where we are right in this moment.  Guide and protect each of us as we go about our day.  Help us to recognize where we are needed and help in each situation.  Even if we each reach just one for you, we are expanding your kingdom.  May all the praise and glory be to you Father, forever.


Have a beautiful day ladies.

~Be blessed and a blessing.

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