Friday, March 7, 2014

GMG Intentionally Focused Study Week 7 Day 5

Proverbs 12:1

S:  A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.

O:  Wise woman builds up.  Foolish woman tears down

A:  This reminds me of conversations I've witnessed around me where men and women alike are speaking of their marriages and bashing their spouses or not speaking well of their children, etc.  This upsets me so much.  We need to be sure we are lifting our families in prayer and boosting them any time we can.  And as a 'wise woman' keeping our homes in the best shape we can is part of how we can do this.  I don't want to be in the group of 'foolish women' by tearing down my 'home' in any way.  It can be easy to go with the flow and join in spouse bashing; it is so disrespectful and unpleasing to God.

P:  Father thank you for a loving and respectful husband.  One who provides for our family and deserves respect of me keeping this home in tip tip shape.  I would ask a blessing upon him each day as he goes about his work.  Care for him, protect and guide him.  Thank you for this home and for the privilege to care for it and use it hospitably to offer a place for friends and family to sit a while, break bread and enjoy time together.  Be with each of these women this weekend.  Father as I open the pages of this devotional and realize how far we have come and see we only have a short time left in this study, if makes me sad.  I have enjoyed this time getting to know them and most importantly starting each day with you.  Thank you for all that you have done and all that you have yet to do in our lives.


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