Friday, April 25, 2014

GMG ~ Why Easter Matters ~ Why My Response Matters Week 4, Day 5

S:  2 Corinthians 5:20-21 So we are Christ's ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us.  We speak for Christ when we plead, "Come back to God!"  For God made Christ, who never sinned to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.

O:  Christ's ambassador.  Speak for Christ.

A:  What a great commission.  Being Christ's ambassador and speaking for Christ.  A very tall order for a sinner.  I am not always an example of a very good ambassador for Christ.  Thankfully He has covered me and takes away the filth.  I need to remember all my actions need to be Christlike and the words that come from my mouth need to be ones that will let others know who I belong to.

P:  Father, I never really though about how I am your ambassador.  My mouth does not always say things that would speak of your greatness.  Please forgive me.  I am ashamed to have been a terrible example for you and what you have done for me.  Guide me in ways to show others I belong to you.  Let them see something in me that will make them want a life in you.


FFF:  I have been praying how I can help a friend with a big benefit she has planned for her nephew who was born with a heart defect and needs to have surgery next month.  She did not know that I wanted to help her in some way and was not able to financially support her.  She came to me yesterday and said my husband told me I should ask you to be our banker for the benefit.  (I am the financial rep for our employer)  You wouldn't be interested would you?  I was praising God for her asking.  What a joy that He worked this out.  I am so honored!!  Please pray for this little guy.  His name is Declan.

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