Wednesday, April 2, 2014

GMG ~ Why Easter Matters ~ Why the Last Supper Matters Week 1 Day 3

S: Matthew 26:24 The son of man will go just as it is written about him. But woe to that man who betrays the son of man!  It would be better for him if he had not been born.

O:  Must die - as declared by scriptures long ago.  Betrayed.  Never born.  Jesus knew - accepted it anyway, even washed his betrayer's feet.  Betrayal of a friend hurts more.  Love anyway.  We all think, 'Not me.  It couldn't be me!'

A:  This brings 'Fear of the Lord' to the forefront of my mind.  I am just as guilty of walking around thinking 'not me'.  Just like Judas.  I am so convicted of needing to pay attention to my actions and words.  I may try to please the Lord in all I say and do but betray him daily in my sins.  

P:  Father forgive me.  I come to you and ask forgiveness for my betrayal.  Thank you for your word that convicts me to my core.  I am thankful for your guidance every time I come to your word.  Help me to not just put it on my heart, but brand it there.  Sear it into my soul that I would serve you better.  Oh Lord!


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