Tuesday, April 22, 2014

GMG ~ Why Easter Matters ~ Why My Response Matters Week 4, Day 2

S:  You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life.  But the scriptures point to ME!  Yet you refuse to come to me to receive this life.

O:  Search the Scriptures.  Scriptures point to ME!  Refuse and you will not receive eternal life.

A:  I need to remember as I read and search the Scriptures, why is it I am reading?  What am I gaining? Head knowledge or heart knowledge?  Is is to become smarter like reading and learning from a text book or is it to learn and grow with my Savior?  To strive to be more like Him, change my life and find my eternal home.

P:  Father, I pray every day that your Word becomes embedded into my heart, seared into my soul that I would at all times be able to reflect on your word.  I not only want this to KNOW you, but I want this so I can commune with you.  I want to live in a way that others see you in my.  By reading your word, I do want it as knowledge, but I want it more so I can become more like you and find my eternal home and rest with you.


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