Thursday, March 26, 2015

LGG ~ 1st & 2nd Peter Study - Week 1 - Thursday

Good morning~

Sorry for being a little late this morning girls.  I am still dealing with this pain and lack of sleep but pushing through.  

Thankful Thursday.  What are you thankful for today?  I am thankful for warm sunshine and my loving husband.

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Reading 1Peter 1:17-21
S.O.A.P. 1Peter 1:17, 21

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S:  17 And remember that the heavenly Father to whom you pray has no favorites.  He will judge or reward you according to what you do.  So you must live in reverent fear of him during your time here as 'temporary residents."  21 Through Christ you have come to trust in God.  And you have placed your faith and hope in God because he raised Christ from the dead and gave him great glory.  

O:  No favorites. Judge/reward according to what I do.  Reverence and fear.  Temporary home.  Faith and hope.

A:  Again these verse hit home.  I don't want to always be finding the negative points in my life, like yesterday pointing out my lack of self-control, but these verses do make see how I fall short.  However, they also give me hope and know there is redemption.  Praise God!  When I think of how I live my life in comparison to other Christ followers, WOW I am very lacking.  I have so much work to do.  I miss (purposely and unintentionally) opportunities all the time.  I KNOW I can do better.  I need to do better.  When I think of what Jesus did for me, an unworthy sinner, why then should I not be devoting my entire life to be doing and telling the world who He is?  Praise God it wasn't left up to me.  Praise God for Jesus.  I sit here in tears thinking of the pain and death he endured for me, and I, this unworthy soul am cleansed in his righteous blood so that I may live with him in eternity.  Oh I cannot wait to see the home he has prepared.  I need not complain of these minor aches and pains.  I need to remember that they are the suffering on my road to being whole.  He is polishing this diamond for the world to see.  I must be his example in this dark world.  They are watching how I react to my trials.  Am I complaining or am I glorying God?

Here are a few questions to ponder from the You Version devotion today.  I know they have me thinking:

If someone were to watch your behavior, listen to your speech, observe your attitude, and witness your entertainment for a 24 hour period, would they be able to tell that there is something different about you? Would that person see God in you? God sees all that we do. We have the privilege of calling God our Father, and that privilege comes with responsibility.

P:  Father, I cannot wait to see what you have prepared for me.  I can't wait to be home with you in glory.  Thank you for sending your Son to save me from the mess I was, the mess I would be without Him.  Thank you for giving me a life to serve you.  I only pray that I am living a life that is pleasing to you.  I know I miss many opportunities along my path each day.  Give me the eyes to recognize and use the opportunities you place before me.  Let me shine in this dark world.  Let people look at me and know I am changed, different because of you.  Let me give you all the glory, honor and praise.  In Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviors name I pray.  ~Amen

Let me end with this song.  It is one of my favorites.  Link to the youtube video:

I came up out of the water
Raise my hands up to the Father
Gave it all to Him that day
Felt a new wind kiss my face
Walked away, eyes wide open
Could finally see where I was goin'
It didn’t matter where I been
I’m not the same man I was then.

I got off track, I made mistakes
Back slid my way into that place where souls get lost
Lines get crossed
And the pain won’t go away
I hit my knees, now here I stand
There I was, now here I am
Here I am

I got a lot of “hey I’m sorry's”
The things I’ve done, man that was not me
I wish that I could take it all back
I just want to tell 'em that
Tell 'em that

I got off track, I made mistakes
Back slid my way into that place where souls get lost
Lines get crossed
And the pain won’t go away
I hit my knees, now here I stand
There I was, now here I am
Here I am

I’ve changed for the better
More smiles, less bitter
I even started to forgive myself

I hit my knees, I’m here, I stand
There I was, now here I am
Here I am, here I am
I'm changed
Yes, I am
I’m changed for the better

Thank God, I'm changed.

I love you girls.  Have a great day.

PS:  We have a showing today of our home in PA.  Please say a little prayer.

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