Wednesday, November 12, 2014

LGG ~ Source of Gratitude Study - Week 1 - Wednesday

Good morning Girls~
Did you have a chance to thank a Veteran yesterday? I did. I talked to my dad who has been in a veteran's home for a year now. He served in Vietnam Nam. He was sad that he didn't get a chance to go home yesterday or even get a visitor on his special day. That makes me sad. But we did have a nice chat and he was happy I called.
Reading Psalm 18:30-32
S: Psalm 18:31 For who is God except the Lord? Who but our God is a solid rock? (this week's memory verse)
O: Only one true God.
A: There is only one God. I need to remember who my God is. I put many gods before me like food, work, things, etc. How very sinful I am. I need to remember there is only one true and solid God. One that never let's me down. One that holds me up when I feel I can't take another step.
P: Father, forgive me for putting things ahead of you. You are the one and only God that deserves my praise and worship. Thank you for never letting me down. Thank you for being my Solid Rock. I have a sure foothold when I stand on you and your word. Help me be your witness. ~Amen
Please pray for my son as he struggles with my dad being in the veterans home. It's a long and difficult story, but just know it needs covered in prayer.
Today is witness Wednesday. Who will you witness God's love to today?
Be blessed and a blessing,

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