Friday, March 21, 2014

#SRT ~ Jonah 1 and 2

Good morning Sweet Sisters~

I have started this post several times.  Today I am going to write from my heart and stop making this difficult.

How often does God speak to us like he did Jonah?  I hear his voice all the time and have gone in the opposite direction plenty of times.  Sometimes not as far as Tarshish, sometimes farther than Tarshish, and sometimes to Tarshish.  The point is I have at times completely ignored His calling.

I, like Jonah, have even endangered others in my disobedience.  We have the ability, unfortunately to cause others to sin or be in danger of sinning in our own disobedience.  The other sailors didn't even know The One and True God.  I believe that is why God allowed Jonah to board that ship.  Sometimes we are so comfortable in our own sin we don't even realize it.  We are sound asleep and cozy while the storm is raging around us.  It is time to wake up Sisters and chase after God as fiercely as He is chasing after us.

Our God is so in love with us.  He would bring us to a place of safety in our own disobedience, even inside of the belly of a whale to save us, to get our attention.  Think of how stinky and slimy it was in the whale's belly.  Isn't that the way it is in our sin?  It can be very stinky and smelly!  Especially our 'favorite' sins.

I believe as Jonah prayed to God, his cries of repentance and desperation were like nausea to the whale.  Causing the water brash that happens just before you vomit.  God was causing that whale to be sick to save Jonah from his disobedience and spewed Jonah right out on the shore.

How much more do we need to send us in the right direction?  How many times have we been spit out of a difficult situation and still gone on our merry way in our slumber?  Wake up sisters!  We need to be about God's work.  We need to show His love and mercy to all we come in contact with.  So many people around us are walking in a slumber of darkness and do not even know the one true God.  We must be the light for Jesus.  We need to be the Jonahs and be obedient.

Take off your PJ's and put on your full armor of God and go to Nineveh.  Preach it Sisters!

~Be blessed and a blessing



  1. Lovely! I enjoyed reading this! God bless you sis! xo

    1. Thank you for your comment. God bless you, too, Sister.

  2. I love the analogy of how we can get so complacent in our sin -- so comfortable -- that we can even sleep in the midst of the turmoil it unleashes on those around us. I had been trying to think of what it might mean... that he was SLEEPING... and you've put it to words for me. Great post, Darla!

    1. Thank you for your comment. I love how we can read each other's posts and get much from all of them. God is so amazing to feed us in the areas we need.

  3. Loved your blog, I can so relate as well we get so caught up in our sin leaving us sticky and feeling ugly. and yes causing others to sin you could of not said it any better. Now just living with the guilt and forgiving youself and feeling shameful but God has forgiven us how awesome is that! Thank you for sharing Darla and your words of inspiration.
    Many Blessings to you and your Family....

    1. Thank you for you comment. It is such an awful feeling to cause others to sin. It is so sticky and ugly. And some times we don't even realize we are doing it until we reflect on things. I am so thankful for grace, mercy and forgiveness!! May you and yours be blessed.
