Friday, March 14, 2014

GMG Intentionally Focused Study Week 8 Day 5

S:  2 Corinthians 7:1 Because we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body or spirit.  And let us work toward complete holiness because we fear God.

O:  We have promises.  Cleanse (purify) ourselves - body and spirit.  Fear God.

A:  I love how we are reminded we have promises.  We have a hope that even though we are sinners we can come before the Lord and ask forgiveness and try again.  I also love the reminder of cleansing ourselves, not only our bodies outwardly but inward cleansing of our spirit.  I need to be sure I am spending time in prayer asking for forgiveness and trying to walk in his ways.   Eating, exercising and staying in The Word are the best ways I can stay on the right path.  Fearing God to me is not being afraid of Him, but fearing spending a life away from Him.  Eternity without Him is a terrible thought.  I want to strive to do the best I can, keeping my eyes fixed on the prize, which is Christ Jesus.

P:  Father forgive me for not always keeping my eyes fixed on your path for my life.  Thank you for giving me a map to follow when I get off course.  Thank you for your redemption.  Help me continue to long for you and you word.  Be with each of these women who have joined this study.  I am in awe of how You brought us together for Your purpose.  Guide and guard them in their lives that they may continue to serve you in a mighty way and further your kingdom.


FFF~As much as I looked forward to our daily emails, today's was one I was dreading because I knew it would end this study.  I don't like endings especially when I am enjoying something so much.

Ladies~ It has been my joy to have been on this journey with each of you.  Thank you for sharing your hearts with all of us.  May you all be blessed and a blessing to all you come in contact with whether it be in deep conversation or just in a passing smile.  I will always remember this study since it was my very first on line study.  I had much trepidation about it, but am ever so thankful to have stuck with it.  It was hard at times but to have gone through it with each of you was an incredible blessing.  xoxo

Amy~ Thank you for your guidance.  You are a wonderful leader.  Thank you for your honesty and love.  Thank you for your encouragement.  I look forward to studying with you again.  Love ~Darla

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