Monday, March 31, 2014

GMG ~ Why Easter Matters ~ Why the Last Supper Matters Week 1 Day 1

Today begins GMG Why Easter Matters Study.  And this week is 'Why the Last Supper Matters.  What a deep study I had this morning chewing on these words.  I was a bit apprehensive about what this study would bring to my heart.  Wow!  Off to a great start.  I am looking forward to the teaching I am about to receive.  Please feel free to add your thoughts and comments.  Join me in this four week study, won't you?

S:  Exodus 12:13 The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are, and when I see the blood, I will Passover you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike.

O:  Blood is to be sprinkled on your doorposts. Not just shed, but sprinkled.  Will cause you to be passed over and no plague will touch you. 

A:  Wow!  How cool is it that we were commanded to have a very real mark-sign of who we are?  Sprinkle blood on our doorpost to show exactly who we are.  If not, we will die.  Simple?  Am I willing to wear that mark?  Or do I want to go with the flow?  Fit in?  Not stand out for Christ?

P:  Father God,  Thank you for giving me a clear cut decision.  Be with you or against you.  Thank your for your word this morning.  Thank you for this study.  Thank you for giving me the desire to dig DEEP into your word.  My thoughts here on paper are only a small scratching of what you are laying on my heart and mind.  Please be with each one who joins this study.  Help us to gain more knowledge of you but not only knowledge, but a deeper relationship with you to further your kingdom.  Thank you for the blood of your Son who takes away my sin and cleanses me.  Give me the desire to STAND OUT.  Be marked.  Be proud to be your child.


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