Thursday, March 13, 2014

GMG Intentionally Focused Study Week 8 Day 4

S:  Genesis 3:6  The woman was convinced.  She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her.  So she took some of the fruit and ate it.  Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too.

O:  Convinced by satan.  Good for food/delicious. Pleasant to the eyes/beautiful.  Desire to make one wise/wisdom.  Took it and ate it/sin.  And then gave it to her husband/more sin.

A:  I need to be careful to not be fooled by satan and his lies.  He uses all things to try to deceive me.  He makes things look better and taste better to make me desire things of this earth even to the the point of me enticing others to sin.  You know like 'OH this is the best dessert, you should try some' or 'I love this product.  It is the best, you just have to have some'.

P:  Father, forgive me for my desire for more of this world.  I need to place my focus yet again on things above.  Help me to remember constantly that you have given us food for fuel not gluttony.  I am so thankful for your reminders everyday.  I can't imagine if I didn't start my day in your word how I would go about my day and be enticed even more by the 'things' of this world.  Your word gives me focus and a reminder, even though I fall short every single day.  Thank your for forgiveness and mercy.  Help me on this journey to follow you and make this temple of the Holy Spirit a healthy dwelling place for You and furthering your kingdom.  Help me not be a stumbling block to anyone, especially my husband.  Oh Father, that I might cause anyone to sin, just troubles me.  Make me ever so mindful of that.  In Jesus precious name I pray.


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