Monday, March 31, 2014

GMG ~ Week 1 ~ Why the Last Supper Matters

Week1 Challenge:
Make a list of things in your life that you're tempted to rely on other than Jesus.  Every day this week take time to pray over your list, asking God to help you place your full dependence and trust in Christ alone.

I am choosing to keep my list private.  I know what my temptations and obstacles are.  So does God.

Week 1 Memory Verse:
Now, that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you should wash one another's feet.  I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 
~John 13:14-15

GMG ~ Why Easter Matters ~ Why the Last Supper Matters Week 1 Day 1

Today begins GMG Why Easter Matters Study.  And this week is 'Why the Last Supper Matters.  What a deep study I had this morning chewing on these words.  I was a bit apprehensive about what this study would bring to my heart.  Wow!  Off to a great start.  I am looking forward to the teaching I am about to receive.  Please feel free to add your thoughts and comments.  Join me in this four week study, won't you?

S:  Exodus 12:13 The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are, and when I see the blood, I will Passover you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike.

O:  Blood is to be sprinkled on your doorposts. Not just shed, but sprinkled.  Will cause you to be passed over and no plague will touch you. 

A:  Wow!  How cool is it that we were commanded to have a very real mark-sign of who we are?  Sprinkle blood on our doorpost to show exactly who we are.  If not, we will die.  Simple?  Am I willing to wear that mark?  Or do I want to go with the flow?  Fit in?  Not stand out for Christ?

P:  Father God,  Thank you for giving me a clear cut decision.  Be with you or against you.  Thank your for your word this morning.  Thank you for this study.  Thank you for giving me the desire to dig DEEP into your word.  My thoughts here on paper are only a small scratching of what you are laying on my heart and mind.  Please be with each one who joins this study.  Help us to gain more knowledge of you but not only knowledge, but a deeper relationship with you to further your kingdom.  Thank you for the blood of your Son who takes away my sin and cleanses me.  Give me the desire to STAND OUT.  Be marked.  Be proud to be your child.


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Preparing my heart for the new GMG Easter Study

Good morning.  This has been a very busy week for me.  I have been in some intense training for my job and my brain is exhausted.  When I am this exhausted, I am more easily distracted.  I think satan uses these times to weezle his way into our lifes and soak up our time.  There are so many mind numbing distractions, TV, radio, internet, etc.  Please share how you overcome the obstacle of distractions in your study life.

I am really looking forward to starting our new study next week for many reasons.  But most especially to have a clear direction on what we are to study each day.  I need to regain my focus.

My S.O.A.P.  for today is just perfect for next week's study.  I asked God to please help me find something to S.O.A.P. today as I was going for my coffee.  When I came back to the room where I study, laying on the floor was a book marker with this scripture.  How wonderful God is!!!  I love when He does this for me.  (and I recognized it, often, I miss these little treasures)

S:  Colossians 3:16 Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives.  Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives.  Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.

O:  Rich message about Christ.  Teach and counsel each other with wisdom from Him.  Sing songs to God with thankful hearts.

A:  This message is perfect for the journey we are about to take.  Over the next few weeks, let us take the richness of God's message and share with each other what He lays on each of our hearts.  Let us teach and counsel one another with the wonderful wisdom that can only be found in His word.  Then, let's worship Him with songs and thankful hearts for the rich message of wisdom we have gained from Him.  All glory, honor and praise be to God.

P:  Father, thank you for giving me your word this morning and every morning.  Be with each of the women in this group, each that has trusted and obeyed your calling to this study to dig deeper into your word and in a relationship with you.   Be with each of us exactly where we are right in this moment.  Guide and protect each of us as we go about our day.  Help us to recognize where we are needed and help in each situation.  Even if we each reach just one for you, we are expanding your kingdom.  May all the praise and glory be to you Father, forever.


Have a beautiful day ladies.

~Be blessed and a blessing.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

#SRT ~ Jonah 3 & 4

A second chance
Obedience at last

Oh how we are like Jonah!  We run far away in our sins.  We realize how far we have sunk in our sins so we repent.  We are forgiven.  We come to obedience.  God has mercy.  He shows undeserved mercy.  We judge.  We point fingers.  We get angry.  God is so gentle and kind and shows us mercy, even in our anger.  We don't deserve the matchless grace and mercy He freely gives.  Yet we fall to our knees and ask for it over and over.

What a vicious cycle.  Our sinful nature sometimes gets in the way of showing others how loving God is.  We get angry when in our minds others aren't deserving of the grace and mercy He gives.  Thank God it isn't up to us to decide.  Who are we to judge?  God shows us grace, mercy and forgiveness and we don't deserve it.

Romans 3:23 All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Friday, March 21, 2014

#SRT ~ Jonah 1 and 2

Good morning Sweet Sisters~

I have started this post several times.  Today I am going to write from my heart and stop making this difficult.

How often does God speak to us like he did Jonah?  I hear his voice all the time and have gone in the opposite direction plenty of times.  Sometimes not as far as Tarshish, sometimes farther than Tarshish, and sometimes to Tarshish.  The point is I have at times completely ignored His calling.

I, like Jonah, have even endangered others in my disobedience.  We have the ability, unfortunately to cause others to sin or be in danger of sinning in our own disobedience.  The other sailors didn't even know The One and True God.  I believe that is why God allowed Jonah to board that ship.  Sometimes we are so comfortable in our own sin we don't even realize it.  We are sound asleep and cozy while the storm is raging around us.  It is time to wake up Sisters and chase after God as fiercely as He is chasing after us.

Our God is so in love with us.  He would bring us to a place of safety in our own disobedience, even inside of the belly of a whale to save us, to get our attention.  Think of how stinky and slimy it was in the whale's belly.  Isn't that the way it is in our sin?  It can be very stinky and smelly!  Especially our 'favorite' sins.

I believe as Jonah prayed to God, his cries of repentance and desperation were like nausea to the whale.  Causing the water brash that happens just before you vomit.  God was causing that whale to be sick to save Jonah from his disobedience and spewed Jonah right out on the shore.

How much more do we need to send us in the right direction?  How many times have we been spit out of a difficult situation and still gone on our merry way in our slumber?  Wake up sisters!  We need to be about God's work.  We need to show His love and mercy to all we come in contact with.  So many people around us are walking in a slumber of darkness and do not even know the one true God.  We must be the light for Jesus.  We need to be the Jonahs and be obedient.

Take off your PJ's and put on your full armor of God and go to Nineveh.  Preach it Sisters!

~Be blessed and a blessing


Monday, March 17, 2014

GMG ~ Intentionally Focused Study ~ My Reflection

Take time to write out what God has spoken to your heart during this study.  How is your life going to change?  What is God asking you to do in order to live more radically, more intentionally, more focused for Him?  Consider sharing your results with your GMG group.

This is the first Monday morning in eight weeks I haven't started with my favorite group of women from the GMG Intentionally Focused Study.  I honesty have to say I'm sad and miss them.  We shared our hearts with each other.  We shared our struggles and our joys.  I pray God will bless each of us as we go forward and pray we will each continue in our desire to spend time with God and study His word, His direction for each of our lives.

My life has changed, maybe not dramatically changed, however, changed I am.  I believe if you commit to doing something for more than two weeks it becomes a habit.  I believe this study has not become a habit but a desire.  A desire for more of God.  More of His direction for me.  I look forward to my time with Him and seeing what it is He is saying to my heart.  I have seen a change in my attitude.  I have seen a change in my obedience.  I have seen a change in my waiting to hear His voice.  I have seen a change in the way I care for His temple.  I have a long way to go.  I know with His help and guidance, I will continue to change.

Thank you GMG for your diligence, your prayers and your dedication to this group of people.  I have been blessed beyond what I ever expected by this study and look forward to what is to come.

Be blessed and a blessing.


Sunday, March 16, 2014

#SRT Psalm 38

A psalm of David, asking God to remember him.

What I do, God, is wait for you, wait for my Lord, my God--you will answer!
The Message

David is crying out to God in his sickness and pain because he is guilty of his sins and ashamed of how he has disappointed the Lord.  Completely overcome to the point of physical illness.

Even his family and friends turn on and away from him.  He can't even defend himself due to his shame.  He cannot even bring himself to hear or comment on what they have to say about him.

He cries out to God.  He is waiting for an answer.  Still trusting for His reply.

Praying.  Even in his weakest, lowest point.  Praying.  He confesses and repents.  Alone.  Weak.  Sick.  He begs God not to abandon him and asks for help.

I can't imagine the physical and emotional pain he must have been feeling.  Everyone had turned their back on him and he was literally dying.  Yet he was still able to trust and wait on God.

Sisters how much time have we spent waiting for the Lord in our trials?  I have had some difficult times in my life.  Times when I was angry and wondering why God wasn't answering my cries for help.  But He was always there.  Always listening.  My time is not His time.  I can only hope to have the patience David had.  Even in his misery he waited.  He prayed.  Oh I am sure there were times when he was ready to give up.  But continued to wait on the Lord.  Sisters I encourage you to wait on the Lord.  He tells us time after time in His word, He will not leave us.

Ask for help.
He listens.
Spend time waiting.
Be still.
Remember our time is not His time.
Have confidence.
Know He will answer.

GMG Week Eight ~ Focused Questions

1.)  Often we like to separate our physical health from our spiritual health.  This verse clearly states that we are to cleanse ourselves from all filthiness and of the flesh AND spirit.  Are you willing to put aside anything, including unhealthy habits in order to walk closer to the Lord?

I am.  However, I must remember I am a sinner and will make mistakes.  I need to also remember I am forgiven and need to ask for forgiveness.  As long as I am not repeating the same sins over and over and fearing the Lord, I can accept His forgiveness and move forward.  I need to be mindful of making healthy habits and keeping them part of my life.  That means in my spiritual and physical health.  I also need to be sure I am not too hard on myself for not being perfect.

2.)  Compare 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Luke 14:28 and Romans 12:1-2.  There is a cost when we set out to build something for the Lords.  Are your willing to count the cost that it will take to make your body the temple that God wants it to be - a living sacrifice daily to Him?  What are some ways that you are going to be intentional about this?

Yes, I am.  Like I said earlier, I am going to make mistakes, however, I think I am on the right track.  I am trying very hard to be a good steward of this body.  Most importantly by starting every day in His word and finding direction for my life.  Also by making better choices of what I put in my body and by exercising regularly.  I am feeling better in my heart mind and body.  I am human and will stumble but have faith and trust in God my savior to pick me back up, forgive me and point me in the right direction again.

Friday, March 14, 2014

GMG Intentionally Focused Study Week 8 Day 5

S:  2 Corinthians 7:1 Because we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body or spirit.  And let us work toward complete holiness because we fear God.

O:  We have promises.  Cleanse (purify) ourselves - body and spirit.  Fear God.

A:  I love how we are reminded we have promises.  We have a hope that even though we are sinners we can come before the Lord and ask forgiveness and try again.  I also love the reminder of cleansing ourselves, not only our bodies outwardly but inward cleansing of our spirit.  I need to be sure I am spending time in prayer asking for forgiveness and trying to walk in his ways.   Eating, exercising and staying in The Word are the best ways I can stay on the right path.  Fearing God to me is not being afraid of Him, but fearing spending a life away from Him.  Eternity without Him is a terrible thought.  I want to strive to do the best I can, keeping my eyes fixed on the prize, which is Christ Jesus.

P:  Father forgive me for not always keeping my eyes fixed on your path for my life.  Thank you for giving me a map to follow when I get off course.  Thank you for your redemption.  Help me continue to long for you and you word.  Be with each of these women who have joined this study.  I am in awe of how You brought us together for Your purpose.  Guide and guard them in their lives that they may continue to serve you in a mighty way and further your kingdom.


FFF~As much as I looked forward to our daily emails, today's was one I was dreading because I knew it would end this study.  I don't like endings especially when I am enjoying something so much.

Ladies~ It has been my joy to have been on this journey with each of you.  Thank you for sharing your hearts with all of us.  May you all be blessed and a blessing to all you come in contact with whether it be in deep conversation or just in a passing smile.  I will always remember this study since it was my very first on line study.  I had much trepidation about it, but am ever so thankful to have stuck with it.  It was hard at times but to have gone through it with each of you was an incredible blessing.  xoxo

Amy~ Thank you for your guidance.  You are a wonderful leader.  Thank you for your honesty and love.  Thank you for your encouragement.  I look forward to studying with you again.  Love ~Darla

Thursday, March 13, 2014

GMG Intentionally Focused Study Week 8 Day 4

S:  Genesis 3:6  The woman was convinced.  She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her.  So she took some of the fruit and ate it.  Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too.

O:  Convinced by satan.  Good for food/delicious. Pleasant to the eyes/beautiful.  Desire to make one wise/wisdom.  Took it and ate it/sin.  And then gave it to her husband/more sin.

A:  I need to be careful to not be fooled by satan and his lies.  He uses all things to try to deceive me.  He makes things look better and taste better to make me desire things of this earth even to the the point of me enticing others to sin.  You know like 'OH this is the best dessert, you should try some' or 'I love this product.  It is the best, you just have to have some'.

P:  Father, forgive me for my desire for more of this world.  I need to place my focus yet again on things above.  Help me to remember constantly that you have given us food for fuel not gluttony.  I am so thankful for your reminders everyday.  I can't imagine if I didn't start my day in your word how I would go about my day and be enticed even more by the 'things' of this world.  Your word gives me focus and a reminder, even though I fall short every single day.  Thank your for forgiveness and mercy.  Help me on this journey to follow you and make this temple of the Holy Spirit a healthy dwelling place for You and furthering your kingdom.  Help me not be a stumbling block to anyone, especially my husband.  Oh Father, that I might cause anyone to sin, just troubles me.  Make me ever so mindful of that.  In Jesus precious name I pray.


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

GMG Intentionally Focused Study Week 8 Day 3

S:  Philippians 3:19-21  They are headed for destruction.  Their god is their appetite, they brag about shameful things, and they think only about this life here on earth.  But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives.  And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior.  He will take our weak mortal bodies and change them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same power with which he will bring everything under his control.

O:  Headed for destruction.  This is not my home.  Eagerly waiting for His return.  He is powerful - EVERYTHING is under His control.

A:  I need to focus on the things of heaven and not this world.  This is so hard to do in this sinful flesh.  If I fix my eyes on Christ and remember the best is yet to come, I will be much better off than living in the wants and desires this world has to offer.  The things of the world are only temporary, but the things of heaven are eternal.

P:  Father, give me the focus I need to dwell on the things of heaven and not this earth.  I know this will be a daily, and at times minute to minute trial.  It is so easy to be swayed by the evil one.  But with you and your Holy Spirit, I am an overcomer!  I can overcome this world as long as I am focused on heaven.


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

GMG Intentionally Focused Study Week 8 Day 2

S:  1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Don't you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God?  You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price.  So you must honor God with your body.

O: My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.  It was given to me to house the Holy Spirit.  I was bought with a high price.  No longer mine, it was purchased.  When something is bought it belongs to the owner.  I need to honor God with my body.

A:  These truths are so wonderful.  What a blessing it is to learn and grow into what He wants for my life.  I love how the Amp version says we are the very sanctuary of the Holy Spirit.  How can I not want to honor God with my body when I am indwelled by the Holy Spirit?  Does He not deserve my very best?  Whoa!  If this isn't enough to make me want to serve Him better, I am not sure what more conviction is needed.

P:  Father, thank you for choosing me to be indwelling your Holy Spirit.  May I be ever so mindful to honor you in not only my actions but in caring for this amazing temple you have made.  Thank you for knitting me so perfectly together to become what you would have me to be.  I know I am a work in progress even at my age.  I know you are working on me for a greater good.  Even if it is to touch one single person to further your kingdom, I am ready.  Please use me.


Monday, March 10, 2014

GMG Intentionally Focused Study Week 8 Day 1

S:  Psalms 139:14  Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!  Your workmanship is marvelous - how well I know it.

O:  I love the EXCLAMATION POINT.  It shows excitement!!  Wonderfully complex!  Marvelous workmanship!

A:  I am in awe of how God has created each one of us wonderfully complex and we should be so excited about it.  When I look at this body and how I have cared for it, I am ashamed, but I know that I have have been redeemed and forgiven and can do better. I am so thankful that His mercies are new every morning and I can begin again.  So today, I will do better than yesterday.  I will be mindful of the things He has shown me through this scripture.

P:  Father thank you for this wonderfully complex body.  How marvelous it it.  I know I am not perfect and have not been a good steward of this body.  But you love me anyway.  You have created me and I love how you knit me together in my mother's womb to be who I am right now and exactly who you want me to be.  Guide me in my choices to grow and be the woman you created me to be.  Thank you for your mercies new every morning.  I fail every day, but I can begin again every day as long as I am in you and You are in me.


GMG ~ Week Eight ~ Let's Be Intentional

Week 8 Challenge:  This week focus on making one healthy habit in both how you eat and exercise!  Some examples might include drinking more water, begin walking or running to incorporate some exercise into your day...even skipping the elevator and taking the stairs helps to add in a little exercise throughout the day  Pray and ask God to help you make a healthy habit in each of these areas this week and invite a friend in your life to help hold you accountable.

Week 8 Memory Verse:  Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you whom you have received from God?  You are not your own; you were bought at a price.  Therefore honor God with your bodies. ~ 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Week 8:  This week I'm going to be intentionally focused on:  Not only keep starting each day in the word of God, but making sure I am getting the exercise in and eating and making healthy choices.  I need to stop sabotaging myself on the weekends.  I need to my sure my body is getting as healthy as my spirit.

Your Health:  "Don't get distracted by physical food.  Don't think food can satisfy the longing of your soul.  Only Jesus can do this.  Our souls were created to crave him.  Many people are waiting to hear the message of your calling.  Don't get stuck in defeat and held back from it." ~ Lysa Terkeurst, Made to Crave

Sunday, March 9, 2014

#SRT Matthew 4:4

"It takes more than bread to stay alive.  It takes a steady stream of words from God's mouth."
The Message

This scripture really hits my heart.  I love how The Message says 'A steady stream of words from God's mouth.'
I envision a stream especially with the thawing of winter and how it rushes forth with water.  God's word is rushing forward into my heart and mind and feeding my soul.  This is what keeps me alive.   

This year I have been spending my early morning hours studying and learning God's word.  I have also been on a quest of learning to eat healthier and making better  food choices.  This scripture is plain and direct.  Showing exactly what is important to sustain life.  While we need food for our physical bodies, we need God's word to sustain our spiritual self.  I am learning these both go hand in hand. 

God provides physical food to nourish our bodies.  We need to care for ourselves in a way that we are healthy and able to be about His work.  His business.  Our bodies are His temple.  We were created through Him and in Him.  As I age, I am realizing I have not been a good steward of this body He has given me.  I have aches and pains and extra weight that are a direct result of not caring for this temple.  It is my choice to go forward and care for myself.  I am making better choices but need to do better.  God never lets  me down.  I need not let Him down.  I love that He has placed the desire in my heart to start each day with Him and in His word to teach me what to do and how to do it.  His word truly is a lamp unto my feet.

Father, God,  Papa, you are so giving and kind.  Your unfailing love and redemption are what keep me going forward. I would be dead in my sins without them.  Thank you for your word.  Thank you for your guidance.  Thank you for your love, unconditional.  Push me forward.  Help me to be your witness.  I know I need to care for this temple you have given me.   Help me strive to be better for You and furthering your kingdom.  



Saturday, March 8, 2014

GMG Week Seven ~ Focused Questions

1.)  We end the way we begin, ministry starts in our homes.  All other ministry, to the community or the church, must go through the ministry that goes on in our homes.  Are you building your home brick by brick, founded on the truths of God, or are you tearing it down, piece by piece, leaving it in shambles?

I would hope I am building my home up brick by brick, however, I realize I am human and in my flesh, I sin and am not perfect.  There are times when I tear it down and am not the wife and mother I should/could be.  I am thankful for grace and forgiveness and redemption.  God forgives me and reminds me daily through his word and his holy spirit that I can do better.  I am a work in progress and will continue to seek his guidance and instruction for building up my home.

2.)  Compare 1Peter 4:1-11 to 1Corinthians 12:12-27.  We are all important in the body of Christ!  Each member has a unique gifting and talent and God placed us in our churches, families, and circles of influence for a reason, to use our gifts!  What gifts do you have?  Are you currently using them?   If so, share how and if not, share what you think they might be and how you feel God leading you to use them.

I am still trying to figure out all of my gifts.  God has blessed me abundantly.  I do believe I have a special gift of caring.  I love to help people and give to people.  I also feel a power in my hands and I am exploring what that gift may be.

Friday, March 7, 2014

#SRT Lenten Friday Blog ~ Psalms 130

I have been for a few months and it has been working for me.  Helping me to keep God's word on my heart and mind.  So that is how I am going to start this new assignment.  I am so looking forward to this.  I love She Reads Truth and it's community.  It was my very first online bible study.  I have gained and grown so much since I first found it.  So here goes my S.O.A.P. in the Friday Lenten Community Writer's.


Psalms 130
A song for pilgrims ascending to Jerusalem.

1 From the depths of despair, O Lord, I call for your help.
2 Hear my cry, O Lord. Pay attention to my prayer.
3 Lord, if you kept a record of our sins,who, O Lord, could ever survive?
4 But you offer forgiveness, that we might learn to fear you.
5 I am counting on the Lord; yes, I am counting on him. I have put my hope in his word.
6 I Long for the Lord more than sentries long for the dawn, yes, more than sentries long for the dawn.
7 O Israel, hope in the Lord; for with the Lord there is unfailing love.  His redemption overflows.
8 He himself will redeem Israel from every kind of sin.

  • A desperate cry for help.  From the depths of despair.
  • Realize no one could survive on our own.  God offers forgiveness and redemption.
  • Count on the Lord and put my hope in Him.  Long for Him.
  • Unfailing love. 
  • Redemption overflows.
  • Redemption from EVERY KIND of sin.
  • A sentry is a soldier who stood watch on a long tiring night waiting for dawn.
Application:  After reading this Psalm I had to look up the definition of Sentry.  I can't imagine how long the nights must have been for them.  Watching and waiting for the dawn.  Longing for the dawn is what this scripture says.  Isn't that what life is like some times.  Watching and waiting for what is to come.  My husband works on the road and we are trying to sell our home so we can relocate.  At times I am so anxious for this to happen.  But I know God has a plan.  I know he He hears my desperate cry for help.  I am so very thankful for his forgiveness in my being so impatient.  Thankful that I am redeemed by His grace.  I am counting on Him and know his love is unfailing.  So I will continue to put my hope in Him in all I am waiting for.  

Prayer:  Father, thank you for hearing my cries for your help and guidance and thank you for forgiving me of my impatience for not trusting your timing.  I know I can count on you and that you love me unconditionally.  Be with me in my waiting for your direction.  I ask in Jesus name.


GMG Intentionally Focused Study Week 7 Day 5

Proverbs 12:1

S:  A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.

O:  Wise woman builds up.  Foolish woman tears down

A:  This reminds me of conversations I've witnessed around me where men and women alike are speaking of their marriages and bashing their spouses or not speaking well of their children, etc.  This upsets me so much.  We need to be sure we are lifting our families in prayer and boosting them any time we can.  And as a 'wise woman' keeping our homes in the best shape we can is part of how we can do this.  I don't want to be in the group of 'foolish women' by tearing down my 'home' in any way.  It can be easy to go with the flow and join in spouse bashing; it is so disrespectful and unpleasing to God.

P:  Father thank you for a loving and respectful husband.  One who provides for our family and deserves respect of me keeping this home in tip tip shape.  I would ask a blessing upon him each day as he goes about his work.  Care for him, protect and guide him.  Thank you for this home and for the privilege to care for it and use it hospitably to offer a place for friends and family to sit a while, break bread and enjoy time together.  Be with each of these women this weekend.  Father as I open the pages of this devotional and realize how far we have come and see we only have a short time left in this study, if makes me sad.  I have enjoyed this time getting to know them and most importantly starting each day with you.  Thank you for all that you have done and all that you have yet to do in our lives.


Thursday, March 6, 2014

GMG Intentionally Focused Study Week 7 Day 4

Romans 12:13

S:  When God's people are in need, be ready to help them.  Always be eager to practice hospitality.

O:  Be ready to help.  Always be eager.

A:  I used to always complain when someone would show up at our home unexpected because I was worried my house wasn't in good shape.  This scripture goes with the rest of the week teaching me I need to be about my house so I may be hospitable, ALWAYS and be ready and eager to help.

P:  Father, I am grateful you have helped me overcome the disappointment of someone showing up unexpected at my home.  And while I know that is not all this verse is talking about, I thank you for pointing out to me that it's okay to entertain someone in need even if there are dishes in the sink and unmade beds.  There are more important tasks ahead of me.


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

GMG Intentionally Focused Study Week 7 Day 3

1Timothy 1:5

S:  She must be well respected by everyone because of the good she has done.  Has she brought up her children well?  Has she been kind to strangers and served other believers humbly?  Has she helped those who are in trouble. ?  Has she always been ready to do good?

O:  Respected by everyone.  Raised her children well.  Kind to strangers.  Served humbly.  Helped the troubled.  Always ready to do good.   EVERYONE and ALWAYS stick out to me.

A:  This is a heavy scripture.  It gives me a sense of the enormity of God's calling.  However, bringing it back into perspective, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did this for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it for me'. ~Matthew 25:40  This gives me a little sigh of relief that I am called to do these things but not let myself get overwhelmed.  Touch those God puts in my life in a way He would have me to be used.

P:  Father, thank you for your word this morning and every morning.  I now can't starting a day without your guidance.  Help me to recognize and follow your direction with all the tasks you lay before me.  Help me to be hospitable in all ways and in all situations.  Thank you for your holy spirit living in me to show me the way.  Let my flesh be ever obedient to you.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

GMG Intentionally Focused Study Week 7 Day 2

Proverbs 31:27

S:  She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness.

O: Carefully watches.  Pay attention.
Laziness. Idleness=Without effect, pointless

A:  This troubles me.  I think I mentioned a while back, that I have a lot of time on my hands.  I waste time.  While I keep my household in pretty good shape, (I have a bit of OCD) I could be doing so much more to further God's kingdom.  I know in my heart I have had quite a few struggles with this study.  Some days are better than others, but for the most part, I feel I am really being stretched.  Taken out of my comfort zone.  I am thankful for this because it means I am growing.  I need to watch carefully everything.  My household is not this building I live in, however, it is this BODY I live in.  My household goes much farther than this building.  The building is a place where I can share my hospitality but I can also show my hospitality everywhere I go in this body.  Reach out to others in a way they need.  We all have something to offer.

'Christ in the cup of water we hand to the thirsty stranger.  Christ in the sitting quietly on the sofa of a lonely neighbor.  Christ in our arms and hands as we life the burden of a weary friend.' Taken from #SRT, Amanda, today's devotion, 'it is a merciful fragrance'

She Reads Truth, Day 9

P:  Father, you know the depths of my heart and you know that on days, I have felt way off base with the other ladies in this group.  Thank you for your urging and giving me what YOU would have ME get from your word.  Thank you for giving me the desire to dig way deeper than I ever have into your word.  Thank you for loving me and giving my FREELY your gift of forgiveness and grace.


Monday, March 3, 2014

GMG Intentionally Focused Study Week 7 Day 1

Good morning Ladies.  What a wonderful weekend.  I hope you all have a wonderful week.

1Peter 4:9-10

S:  Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay.  God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts.  Use them well to serve one another.

O:  Cheerfully/Without grudging/Without grumbling.  Variety of gifts to use to SERVE.

A:  I have been one to say I know God has given me gifts to use but I am just not sure what it is YET.  I am trying to figure it out.  I need to start somewhere and figure it out now.  Time here is short.  Stop waiting to figure it out and, as the slogan goes, 'JUST DO IT'.

P:  Father, I will stop waiting and wasting time.  Help me discover my gifts along the way.  I will serve as you lay on my heart and grow from there.


GMG ~ Week Seven ~ Let's Be Intentional

Week Seven Challenge:  This week let's pray that God would lay on our hearts some people whom we can minister to.  Then think of some practical ways  we can bless them.  This will take many of us out of our comfort zone and that is good.  We grow when we are stretched.

Week Seven Memory Verse:  Share with the Lord's people who are in need.  Practice hospitality.  ~Romans 12:15

Week Seven:  This week I'm going to be intentionally focused on:  Ministering to others.  Stepping out of my comfort zone.  Being stretched.  OUCH

Your Ministries "God's children will be people of hospitality...Long before the church had pulpits and baptisteries, she had kitchens and dinner tables." ~Max Lucado, Out Live Your Life

Saturday, March 1, 2014

GMG Week Six ~ Focused Questions

1.)  If your want your children to learn to love God, you need to make it a part of your everyday life.  It can't just be something they see you add on at church.  How do you help your children see God in all aspects of their lives - not just the ones that are church related?  If you are not a parent yet, how do you plan on incorporating these ideas when you are?  If your children are grown - share your wisdom with us!

This is a tough one for me.  I wish I had taken every opportunity to raise my children in God's word, but didn't.  Mind you we weren't heathens and did try to raise them teaching them good moral values and how to be upright citizens.  While they have grown into fine adults, I am sorry to have failed them and God in bringing them up in a home not driven by God's word.  Now, moving forward, I believe I set a good example.  My daughter sees me daily in God's word.  I show them the love of the Lord and witness to them as often as possible.  I will continue to pray for them and their families.  In addition to my own children, I can also set an example for others, children and adults by showing them the love God has given me to share.

2.) Compare Psalm 127:3 and 1 Samuel 1:27.  Have you dedicated your children over to the Lord or do you hold them in your own hand?  Will you let go of the tight grip and allow God to use them mightily for Him?  What prayers are you praying over your children this year?  If you don't have children, are you praying over the future ones you might have, or those you may influence?

As a mother, especially, it is hard to not want to take care of everything for your children.  I have learned through the years, they are His.  He gave them to me as a treasured gift.  I must trust Him to care for them and protect them.  And I do.  He is the mighty God and will continue to hold all His children in His hands.

Hey you Followers.....

Good morning~

I have been praying about changing things here on my blog.  My title has been 'My Life Chapters' since I started this blog a few years ago, but I have changed it to 'Devotions' as of this morning because that's what it's been for most of this year (since I have finally been a regular blogger).  I am going to keep posting my devotions to this blog from now on.

I have started a new blog about my personal life and will not be making it a public blog.  It is called 'My Life Chapters'.  I simply swapped the names of my two blogs.  I have a VERY OLD computer and it isn't able to export and import so this is my way around that issue.  So the web address of this blog will stay the same and the new blog will have a new web address.  Not sure what that will be yet.

All this to say, if you are still interested in following me on my new blog with the old name (o: and stuff about me and 'My Life Chapters', please message me, email me, comment on,  however you want to contact me and let me know so I can get you access to that blog.  I would LOVE to have you follow me.  But, I understand if not.  No biggie because both blogs are more for me than anything else.  I am discovering all kinds of things about who and what I am all about just by blogging.  What an awesome concept!

Thank you for your support and following me over the past few years.  I hope to see you on my other blog.

Be blessed and a blessing.
