O: Must die - as declared by scriptures long ago. Betrayed. Never born. Jesus knew - accepted it anyway, even washed his betrayer's feet. Betrayal of a friend hurts more. Love anyway. We all think, 'Not me. It couldn't be me!'
A: This brings 'Fear of the Lord' to the forefront of my mind. I am just as guilty of walking around thinking 'not me'. Just like Judas. I am so convicted of needing to pay attention to my actions and words. I may try to please the Lord in all I say and do but betray him daily in my sins.
P: Father forgive me. I come to you and ask forgiveness for my betrayal. Thank you for your word that convicts me to my core. I am thankful for your guidance every time I come to your word. Help me to not just put it on my heart, but brand it there. Sear it into my soul that I would serve you better. Oh Lord!
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