S: Hebrews 10:11-12 Under the old covenant, the priest stands and ministers before the alter day after day, offering the same sacrifices again and again, which can never take away sins. But our High Priest offered himself to God as a single sacrifice for sins, good for all time.
O: Standing and doing it again and again. Single sacrifice for all time. Sitting at a place of honor.
A: Today's scripture finally brings this week's passages home for me. It is so like us in our humanness to continually try again and again to please God. We can't without that one single sacrifice. The Greatest Sacrifice of all. Jesus. He did it all. We labor and labor, standing and tiring. While Jesus completed the task and sat. He sat down at a place of honor with God. God is so proud of his son and his death he finished it. Our work is no good. This does not mean we can keep on sinning. We need to be obedient until his return. We need to be changed. We need to turn away from our sins.
P: Father, thank you. Thank you for showing me in your word what you have accomplished. Thank you for your son. Thank you for his death on the cross. Thank you for washing me clean. Thank you for helping me realize through this weeks studies that it is finished. There is nothing left for me to do. I can stop spinning my wheels like the priests did before Jesus came. Forgive me once again for the sins of mine that nailed you to that tree. Help me walk in your ways. Help me be your witness in this dark world. Let me be your light, that one small spark seen in a dark place. I am humbled by the work you are doing in my life.
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