1) Philippians 4:8 is a great filter system for our mind. Each time a thought pops into our head, we can run it through the characteristics mentioned in this verse. If it doesn't filter through one of these areas-it needs to leave our mind. In which area of your thinking do your thoughts often get stuck? Stop and pray, asking God to help you focus your mind on things He calls us to.
I often get stuck in a negative and worrying place. I need to rely on God more to get me through these spots of anxiety and anxiousness. I need to stop right then and there in that moment and PRAY. God is so much bigger than my problems and worries.
2) Compare Philippians 4:8 and 2 Corinthians 10:1-5. How can you put these two verses together and make a game plan for being intentional with your thought life?
I need to focus on the things of God. Things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. I need to put behind all the obstacles that stand in my way of these things. I need to stop the anxiety and negativity. I need to use the tools God has given me to defend myself from these things.
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