Tuesday, February 11, 2014

GMG Intentionally Focused Study Week 4 Day 2

Genesis 3:6

S: The woman was convinced.  She saw that the tree was beautiful and it's fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her.  So she took some of the fruit and ate it.  Then she gave some to her husband, and he ate it too.

O:  She was convinced by it's beauty.  It looked good/delicious.  Pleasant for the eyes.  Wanted/desired wisdom.  He ate it because she gave it to him.

A:  This reminds me how easily tempted I can be by things that look good.  Beauty is all around us, tempting us to things that may not be good.  Satan is a tempter and will use all kinds of appealing things to try to get us to stray away from God.  How powerful we are as women to get others to follow us, especially our husbands.  I need to be very careful to not stray away from what God wants and not direct my family and even others away from what is good in the eyes of God.

P:  Father my prayer today is for you to keep my eyes fixed on YOU.  Keep showing me your ways and help me to discern the difference between the beauty of this world and the tempting ways satan tries to get my attention away from you.  I want to be your witness in all I say and do, not just with my husband but with all I come in contact with.  I struggle with the traps of satan.  We all do.  Sometimes we don't even know we are being tempted and realize our sin after.  I am so thankful for this study and bringing these thoughts to mind every single day.  How easy it would be to stay in bed and not read your word and not know the difference of the things you want me to seek and just be complacent and tempted by satan.  Oh God how thankful I am that you have grabbed hold of my heart and brought me to you.


Thankful Tuesday:  Thankful for being a child of God.

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