Our reading today is 1John 3:16-24.
S: Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.
O: Action.
A: So many things came to mind this morning as I read this. Gave me flashbacks of being a cheerleader. ACT - ION. Action. Action. WE WANT ACTION!! Isn't that what God is asking us to do? We have talked and learned and read. It is time to move. I was really struck by what I read this morning in the You Version app.
The true indicator of a Christian’s faith is not in what she says, but in how she lives her life. If people were to watch a silent movie of a random day in your life, would they see a reflection of Jesus through your actions?
What would others see in my silent movie? I need to keep this in my mind at all times. Am I being a ambassador for The Lord with my actions?
P: Father, thank you for giving us your Holy Spirit. Thank you for giving us the still small voice that leads us and directs us. Forgive us when we ignore it. Give us the nudge, even the swift kick in the pants we need to move and be about your work. Let us love one another in ways we never even dreamed of. This is a dark and hurting world. People need you. Just like Juan. Let us be a community of women who don't get hung up on the particulars or the rules and just move for You. In Jesus precious name. ~Amen.
Be about God's business in all you do today, Girls.
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