Good morning Sweet Sisters~
I can hardly believe it is day 50 of our study. I am so thankful for what I have gained from this study and for each of you.
Reading Esther 8:1-10
I am praising God for putting us in this state and giving us new friends who love us like family already. Praising him for a home and jobs and so many things that could have been so different when moving to a new state. Praise you Jesus for this and so much more.
S: Proverbs 28:20 The trustworthy person will get a rich reward, but a person who wants quick riches with get into trouble.
O: Trustworthy = reward
A: Trust is tough, for me at least. I trust easy, but when that is broken it's hard to trust again. I've been faced with some challenging trust issues in my life with people very close to me. However, God has never failed me. I have not always trusted God. I need to always remember he has my best interest in mind. He knows the plan for my life. I only need to trust. Oh that I would have the faith Esther had! I have been changed by this study.
P: Praise you Father for your love and mercy. Praise you for forgiving me when I had no trust. Thank you for your constant and abiding love and for never leaving or forsaking me even when I did not trust. ~Amen
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