Friday, October 24, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 8 - Day 5

Reading Esther 9:1-32

S:  Esther 10:3 Mordecai the Jew ranked second in command to King Xerxes. He was popular among the Jews and greatly respected by them. He worked hard for the good of his people; he cared for the peace and prosperity if his race. 

O:  Respected and cared for his people. 

A:  This was an amazing life changing study. It has taught me to be bold. It has taught me to stand up for what I believe. It has taught me to trust. And most importantly that God is by my side always. He will use me in a mighty way to get his work accomplished. Not my will Father, but your own. 

P:  Father thank you for using Esther and Mordecai  and even Haman in such a mighty way to get your work done. You have taught me so much through this study. Thank you for these lovely women who openly shared how you were teaching each of them to help us all grow. Be with each of us as we continue to grow and give us all courage to stand up for you and spread your love in this lost dark world. In your precious son's name, I pray. ~Amen

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 8 - Day 4

Reading Esther 9:11-22

S:  Psalms 71:24 I will tell about your righteousness deeds all day long, for everyone who tried to hurt me has been shamed and humiliated. 

O:  Talk about God all day long. 

A:  I think we talked about this last week, too. How much better our lives we be if we did this. But I get done with my reading and devotion time and get busy with my day and don't talk much about it anymore. How shameful. I was thinking this yesterday, I wish I would consume my life with the things of God as much as I do all the other stuff. How much better would my life be. 

P:  Father God, consume me. Give my your holy fire to burn with a longing to be about your work. Forgive me for not being a better steward of my time. I love you Father and praise your holy name. ~Amen

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 8 - Day 3

Reading Esther 9:1-10

S:  Psalms 71:13  Bring disgrace and destruction on my accusers. Humiliate and shame those who want to harm me. 

O:  God has my back and is by my side. 

A:  I've been thinking about what it means to stand up for what I believe based on what God says. I tend to blend into the crowd, not wanting to draw attention to myself. It's this washy washy attitude that will get me in trouble. That's not standing up for God and witnessing for him. It's not right to sit by and watch all the world changing their values and thinking God is okay with it. If it doesn't go along with what the bible says, it's wrong. While I believe we should live in harmony it's not okay to accept what the world is saying is acceptable. Sisters what I'm saying is, in my opinion, God will stand by our side, just like he did with Esther and her people as long as we are standing for Him. It's okay to stand up for our beliefs. God has our back. Being complacent is a sin. 

P:  Father thank you for being by my side, always. Please forgive me for being complacent. Forgive me for standing by and not speaking up on issues that I know blatantly are against what you say in your word. Forgive me for being accepting and tolerant with issues I know are against you will. Give me a love for you so strong that I will stand up for you and your word. I know you will bless me. Like Amy said yesterday, it may not be easy and even unto death, you have my back. If I would die defending you and your word, I know you have prepared a home for me in eternity. ~Amen

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 8 - Day 2

Reading Esther 8:11-17

S:  Psalms 97:10 You who love The Lord, hate evil!  He protects the lives of his godly people and rescues them from the power of the wicked. 

O:  Love. Protect. Rescue. 

A:  More words of comfort!  I'm am thankful to be His child. Thankful for protection. Knowing I can step boldly out in faith and God having my back gives me confidence. I need to do more witnessing and sharing and spreading His word. 

P:  Father again I come before you this morning praising you and thanking you for your hand of protection and rescuing me from the evil one. I know you are by my side always. Give me the armor of God to boldly step out in faith to proclaim your name to all. I need not fear. Father, I also ask you be with Doug and Amy as Doug heads into surgery. Guide the surgeon's hands. Be with all who care for him. Be with Amy as she waits. I also ask you be in the recovery process. May his pain be minimal. Be with Amy as she cares for his needs. I ask in Jesus' precious name. ~ Amen

Monday, October 20, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 8 - Day 1

Good morning Sweet Sisters~

I can hardly believe it is day 50 of our study. I am so thankful for what I have gained from this study and for each of you. 

Reading Esther 8:1-10

S:  Proverbs 28:20 The trustworthy person will get a rich reward, but a person who wants quick riches with get into trouble. 

O:  Trustworthy = reward   

A:  Trust is tough, for me at least. I trust easy, but when that is broken it's hard to trust again. I've been faced with some challenging trust issues in my life with people very close to me.  However, God has never failed me. I have not always trusted God. I need to always remember he has my best interest in mind. He knows the plan for my life. I only need to trust. Oh that I would have the faith Esther had!  I have been changed by this study. 

P:  Praise you Father for your love and mercy. Praise you for forgiving me when I had no trust. Thank you for your constant and abiding love and for never leaving or forsaking me even when I did not trust. ~Amen

I am praising God for putting us in this state and giving us new friends who love us like family already. Praising him for a home and jobs and so many things that could have been so different when moving to a new state. Praise you Jesus for this and so much more.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 7 - Day 5

Reading Esther 7:9-10

S:  Proverbs 26:27 If you set a trap for others, you will get caught in it yourself.  If you roll a boulder down on others, it will crush you instead. 

The Message says this:  Malice backfires; spite boomerangs. 

O:  Sabbatoge yourself. 

A:  This week has been my favorite so far in the study. I realized so many things and have become more aware of how I affect situations I am faced with. This verse today makes me think of how I will respond and do respond to conversations and other situations. My attitude is important. My words are important. If I am being negative or oppositional, my attitude can sway the conversation or situation in a different direction. I need to be careful to always put what God would have me to say or do as my priority. I need to make sure I am listening to Him and not being disappointed or victorious prematurely. For example I interviewed for a job last week. I claimed it to be mine and trusted God would see that it was. I didn't get the job. Even in my disappointment, I realized God's plan is bigger than mine. I need to wait, just like Esther. It isn't over. The victory will come. God's glory will be revealed. 

P:  Father, thank you for this week of breaking chains. Thank you for revealing your word to me and giving me a new way of thinking, a new way to bring honor and glory to you. You are so good. Thank you for showing me the wicked and evil are part your plan, too.  They cannot ruin it. I ask that you help me to be very careful in using my words and actions to bring glory to you. Help me not be spiteful or mean. Help me to show love and kindness always. ~Amen

FFF~ Father I lift Amy to you as she finishes up this busy week. Help her to be renewed and refreshed. Thank you for her willingness to be our leader. She is committed to you and for her I am so thankful. Be with each woman in our group this weekend. Keep us safe.  Refresh our souls this weekend. Thank you for your word. In Jesus precious name. ~Amen

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 7 - Day 4

Reading Esther 7:7-8

S:  Proverbs 16:4  The Lord has made everything for his purposes, even the wicked for a day of disaster. 

O:  Made everything for His purposes. 

A:  Doesn't this bring it all together for you?  It does me. When I finally realize the reason for everything is for God's purpose, it just makes sense. It's not about me. It's not about you. It's not about anything else.  It's just about Him. His will. His purpose. Everything. Period. 

P:  Father, I try to make everything so hard. You make things so easy. I need to put you first in all things and realize that it's all because of you. ~Amen

One of my favorites songs. Share one of yours today. Let's praise Him and his purpose. 

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 7 - Day 3

Reading Esther 7:5-6

S:  Psalms 37:28 For The Lord loves justice, and he will never abandon the godly. He will keep them safe forever, but the children of the wicked will die. 

O: Justice. Godly. Safe. 

A:  More comfort from the word of God. It makes me sad to think how many people in this world do not know this wonderful Savior. I love the fact that I can run into His loving arms and sit in His lap with all my joys and sorrows.  The wicked don't do this. They aren't running in fear. I am. My fear is not having the comfort of God to care for me and prepare a home for me. Being lost is not a good feeling. He gives me direction in his word how to get 'home'. He keeps me safe and will never let me go. 

P:  Father, thank you for loving me and never letting go even when I have strayed. Thank you for giving me a heart for you. Thank you for giving me the desire to want more of your word and for being my friend and confidant. You know me inside and out. I ask forgiveness for my sins.  Thank you for your mercy. Thank you for keeping me safe. Thank you for helping me grow through disappointments. I know you have a great plan for my life. I love you. ~Amen

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 7 - Day 2

Reading Esther 7:3-4

S: Joshua 1:9 This is my command - be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For The Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

O:  Be strong and courageous. God is with me always. 

A:  This week is already a week of being courageous. God is breaking my chains of worry and now giving me the boldness to stand for who I am in Him. I can be brave enough to stand up for my beliefs and He will be right by my side. I am one who likes to blend in and not have attention drawn to myself. And as I have said before I do sometimes speak up (which most times takes a lot) and it's not always at the right time. I need to be confident in my faith and standing up for Christ. 

P:  Father thank you for giving me this scripture as a reminder you are always by my side and that I can boldly walk in faith knowing you are there. I ask you to continue to hold my tongue when it should be held but to also help me be strong enough to use it when I need to speak up for you and furthering your kingdom. This week I am claiming things to be mine in your name with a boldness of faith. And if it not be your will, I will still be thankful in what you are preparing for me. In Jesus precious name. ~Amen. 

TT:  I am thankful for a safe trip to and from PA and for time with family and friends. Also, the gorgeous weather for my friends beautiful wedding. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 7 - Day 1

Reading Esther 7:1

S: Philippians 4:6 Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 

O: Don't worry. Just pray. Be thankful. 

A: I have a feeling some chains are going to break this week. I can feel it in my bones. If you look up worry in the dictionary, how many of us would have our picture there for all the world to see?  Mine would be there. It's like being called out. Oh yea you are a Christian but how much do you really trust your God?  You question and worry about everything. Look at your bitten fingernails!  Look at the creases of wrinkles on your face from worry. Yep. That's me. I worry about everything. Lately, though God and I, through study, prayer and fellowship, we have been deciding what I should and shouldn't claim. I will not claim and illness or ailing body part. For example I will not say "this cough and cold of MINE". Or "MY bad knee". Instead I will say "this is a bad cough and cold" or "this bad knee". It may seem silly by only changing the way I say something but this is how He is working on me. I'm not claiming the bad stuff as MINE.  However, I will claim something I believe he is giving to me like "I know this house will be mine" or "this position I applied for is mine". It's having faith and trust in God. Claiming what I believe he is doing for me. All of that to say, I should not worry about things. God has my best interest in mind ultimately to bring glory and honor to him. I also need to say if the things I claim to be or not to be don't turn out the way I have claimed, I still need to be thankful in all things because he is working them out for my good. He knows best. Yes Father knows best!  I only need to tell him and he will work out all the details. Whether I think they are good or not is none of my business. I don't see the entire picture. I may not know the answer here while I am living in this world, but remember that puzzle he is putting together for me?  When I get to heaven, because it am claiming heaven as MY HOME, I will see the completed puzzle. All the pieces in place making a perfect picture and understanding of all the whys and why nots in place and a very clear understanding of my life as a whole and not just a piece. Oh what a day. I'm so blessed to have Him standing at the end of my life waiting for me to run into his arms and say child, see, this was my plan for you all along. 

P: Father you are amazing! I praise you and thank you. You have been working on me with these verses for many many years. I have them listed as favorites on just about everything. You know I am a worrier. But you are almighty and sovereign. You have lead me to this study not by accident. You knew these chains needed breaking and not just my chains, Lord, but the chains of the other women in this group. Father I am claiming it, and if it be your will, you will break these chains and make us victorious over the bondage of the enormous sin of worry. Take even the smallest part of our lives that we have not given over to you and make us victorious to bring honor and glory to you Lord that we may be witnesses for you and how you can change our lives.  Thank you for what you will do this week. Thank you for taking this sin and crushing it. I ask this in Jesus Christ's precious name. ~Amen 

Please pray for Alex. He is a 12 year old boy born with a heart defect and has had many surgeries over the years. He is heading to surgery again tomorrow. Pray for comfort while his family and friends wait and for the team who will care for him and that he will be completely healed. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 6 - Day 5

Reading Esther 6:12-14

S:  Genesis 12:3 I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you. 

O:  Bless. Curse. 

A:  To be a child of God is a blessing. We are covered by his blood. We are protected even in death. We do not need to fear this world and the things of it. He has completed the plan to save us from destruction in his Son's life. It's amazing how much I have learned from this study. God works out every detail to his advantage to do his will, using people like Esther, an orphan so I too can be used. 

P:  Father I ask you to use me and the women in this group to be used for you work. To get your work done. Help us to be used in each of our places in this world. We exalt your name and we love you. Thank you for leading me here. Right here where I am. Make known to us the paths you want us to take to spread your word. We trust you and love you. This world has so many terrible things going on. Give us the fearlessness we need to do your work for we know that even in death we are victorious in you. Praise you Jesus!  ~Amen

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 6 - Day 4

Reading Esther 6:10-11

S:  Proverbs 25:6-7 Don't demand an audience with the King, or push for a place among the great. It's better to wait for an invitation to the head table than to be sent away in public disgrace. Just because you've seen something, (8 don't be in a hurry to go to court. For what will you do in the end if your neighbor deals you a shameful defeat?)

O:  Wait for an invitation. 

A:  I needed to read a little further. I don't like to end on a comma. I need the whole thought. It's interesting. This says a lot about ones character. Running ahead of the line. Speaking ahead. Drawing attention to oneself. I need to be careful. While I am one to not speak up first, I do like to chime in and make my statement. Or if something isn't being done to my liking or fast enough or not as good as 'I WOULD DO IT'.  Yikes!!  That's me and that's pride. I need to wait. Listen. And speak or do when I am called to what God wants me to do. I don't always need to be putting in my two cents. 

P:  Father I come before you this morning asking you to help me hear your voice when you are telling me to 'Go' and when you are telling me to be silent.  Help me to do what I do to bring out my best self in You. I want to be your hands and feet. I don't need to preach, just be an example for you and to further your kingdom. ~Amen. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 6 - Day 3

Reading Esther 6:7-9

S:  Romans 12:3 Because of the privledge and authority God has given me, I give each you this warning: Don't think you are better than you are. Be honest in evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us. 

O:  Privledge. Warning. Evaluation. Measuring. Faith. 

A:  God has given me a privilege of being his child and oh what a privilege. But I need to be careful in how I conduct myself. I must be humble and honest in a way that only glorifies Him. 

P:  Father what an honor to be called your child. What a privilege. Forgive me for not always representing you. Forgive me for accepting praise for things I've done to lift myself up. Give me opportunities to serve you and show others who you are and what you can do for the lost. ~Amen. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 6 - Day 2

Reading Esther 6:4-6

S:  Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall. 

O:  Pride, haughtiness=Destruction, fall. 

A:  I have done this. I am guilty. You get called and thinking you are going to be rewarded, praised for something you did. Not!  I hate my prideful self. It's ugly and displeasing to God. I have been warned. Fear pride. 

P:  Father, I am humbled. I am sorry. Please take my pride away. I need only boast in you and you alone. We have many prayer requests. Be with each one, especially Amy and Doug this day. Be with the doctors and other individuals who will care for him today and those who will minister to Amy as she waits. We give this surgery to you Lord. I ask this in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior's name. ~Amen. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 6 - Day 1

Reading Esther 6:1-3

S:  Proverbs 16:13  The king is pleased with words from righteous lips; he loves those who speak honestly. 

O:  Righteous and honest words. 

A:  Do I choose my words carefully?  Are they righteous and true? Most importantly are they pleasing The King? 

P:  Father, God, Mighty One, One True King, are the words of my mouth and meditation of my heart pleasing to you! O Holy One?  May you guide my heart and direct my path and give me words to speak that only bring glory, honor and praise to you.  For you alone are holy. I praise you and honor you. What a privilege it is to be able to speak your name. Oh what a privilege. ~Amen 

Please pray for a man I met this weekend whose son is dying from a lung disease. The son is only 46, married and has a small daughter. It was painful to see this father already grieving for the loss of his son. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 5 - Day 5

Reading: Esther 5:12-14

S:  Proverbs 14:22 If you plan to do evil, you will be lost; if you plan to do good, you will receive unfailing love and faithfulness. 

O:  PLAN     evil=lost   good=love and faithfulness

A:  I love this!  God knows my heart.  Man does not.  So many times I have been in situations where I feel my character is being questioned or whether or not I'm genuine and it makes me worry what others are thinking. I have always been like that. It bothers me that I allow satan to win at his games. But praise God, he knows my heart. Iit doesn't matter what people think.  (I may be really off on what I am getting from this scripture today than others, but this is how God spoke to me today and I love it!)

P:  Father thank you for giving me what I needed to hear today. You know my heart. You know I doubt myself all the time. Thank you for a loving husband who builds me up and tells me to be confident in who I am. Thank you for your word to guide me. ~Amen

FFF: I was up early praying for all of us today. I am especially excited for the wedding. Mary I am praying for a perfect day and many oppotunities to share God's love. I pray we all have a weekend that gives us what we need to recharge our souls for another week.  I will finally be going to church this weekend!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 5 - Day 4

Reading Esther 5:9-11

S:  Proverbs 16:5 The Lord detests the proud; they will surely be punished. 

O:  Pride=Punished

A:  It's hard to not fall into the traps of the world. The world is so stuck on pride. 'What great accomplishments have you done? Where have you traveled? How big is your home/car/boat/stuff? How much money do you make?' etc etc etc..... I want people to know I am a Christian by the way I conduct myself. How I speak. How I walk. How I live my life. I don't want them to even question Whom I choose to serve. But I know I fail at this daily because I live in this world. I am grateful for being redeemed and loved by a King who knows my heart and accepts my repentance. 

P:  Father I am sorry to fail you. I am sorry I fall into the traps of this world. I ask forgiveness for being prideful in my accomplishments. You know I love you and you have given so graciously, your son, to set me free. Let me be a light in this dark world. Help me to walk in pride of being your child and prideful of nothing more. I love you. ~Amen 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 5 - Day 3

Reading Esther 5:6-7

S:  Proverbs 25:11 Timely advice is lovely, like golden apples in a silver basket. 

O:  Timely advice. 

A:  Knowing when to speak and to be quiet is an admirable trait. If I would only spend more time in prayer about this and many other things in life, I might know when to speak and not. 

P:  Father, I need your discernment. Help me to remember it is your will and not my own. Waiting is not a trait of mine. Give me the passion to turn to you always, in everything and foremost. Thank you for giving me another day.  ~Amen