Friday, November 21, 2014

LGG~Source of Gratitude Study - Week 2 - Friday

Good morning Girls~
Happy Friday. Even though this is the last day of our Source if Gratitude Study, it isn't our last day together. I will be sending out another email sometime over the weekend to start the introduction process again. I am adding three new members to our group. Three beautiful and dear friends. Jeni Hinton, Debbie Hudson and Jan McCurdy. We will continue to study via email since not everyone has a FB account. I will continue to add graphics to FB just for fun. But please continue to use email so no one is left out.
I've heard from most of you that you will be continuing. Please let me know by Monday, if you already haven't, that you want to continue. If not, it's okay. I will remove you from the the group. Please remember at any time if this becomes too much, please let me know and we will work something out. Also, if you have a friend or two who would like to make a commitment to our group, please let me know. I'd love to add them.
Sisters, it has been an honor to get to know you and to share with you. This has been the best group I've been in. I've grown and learned so much. I'm thankful to be on this journey with each of you.
Reading 1Peter 1:3-9
S: 1Peter 1:8-9 You love him even though you have never seen him. Though you do not see him now, you trust him; and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy. The reward for trusting him will be the salvation of your souls.
O: Love. Trust. Rejoice. Joy. Salvation.
A: I'm overjoyed knowing that I am saved by a Savior who loves me so much. All I need to do is trust him. If I don't know the answer, turn to him. If I'm lost, turn to his map. His word has all I need for every situation. I'm not going to be stuck in the rut anymore. My attitude is one of thanks and praise. An attitude of gratitude! When I'm faced with a negative or difficult situation, I'm turning to him for answers. FIRST. His opinion and direction is the only one that matters. Prayer. Prayer. Prayer. That is how I build our relationship.
P: Father, thank you for your word. Thank you for allowing me to trust you. I do see you. I see you in the world around me. Yes there is darkness around me, but you live in me and in other Christians and we are your light. Thank you for these women. Thank you for letting us grow together. Thank you for giving us the desire to continue to study your word together and to grow in your holy word. Be with each of us as our group grows. Let us open our hearts to new Sisters and welcome them and teach them. Let us also learn from them. Give us all a restful weekend as we prepare for Thanksgiving next week. Let us have a thankful heart and not become overwhelmed in the preparations of the day. ~Amen
Have a beautiful weekend.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

LGG~Source of Gratitude Study - Week 2 - Thursday

Good morning Girls~
Reading Ephesians 1:18-21
S: Ephesians 1:18 I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called - his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance.
O: Flooded. Understand. Confident.
A: I don't often consider how mighty and powerful He is. I know it and think about it. I need to realize the power I have in Christ. In him I can do all things. He is in control of everything, here on earth and in the galaxies. I have been given the same power, all I need to do is believe. I make things much harder than they really are. God makes them simple.
P: Father, give me the confidence to simply believe and be confident. Rid me of the stinkin thinkin. Let me be full of hope and light. I'm so blessed to be called your holy people and have the assurance of your inheritance. Thank you. ~Amen
I am thankful for friends. Old and new. Young and old. Near and far.
What are you thankful for?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

LGG~Source of Gratitude Study - Week 2 - Wednesday

Good morning Girls~
Reading Psalm 100:1-5
S: Psalm 100:4-5 Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation. (this week's memory verse)
O: Be thankful. Praise Him.
A: I remember as a kid, being invited to a retreat with a friend of mine. I had the best time. This was one of the verses we learned and I remember it to this day as a turning point in my life where I started to know The Lord and want more. Even today as I read this chapter, I sang it like we did back then. Isn't it wonderful to give thanks and praise? Isn't it wonderful to know He loves us no matter what and forever? And that he will continue to love every family member forever.
P: Praise your holy name, Father, forever and ever. Thank you for your promises. Even though I had a long way to go from that retreat until you got my whole heart, thank you for starting a good work in me way back then. I will sing of your praises all day long. ~Amen
Ladies, believe it or not we are nearly done with this two weeks of study. I would like to continue our group even in the break between this study and the next. Please let me know if you or if you have anyone who you would like to ask to join us for the Advent Study which runs 12/1 thru 12/24 please let me know. Either way, send me a quick email letting me know if you'd like to continue.
Today is witness Wednesday. Who will you witness God's unfailing love to today?
Be blessed and a blessing.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

LGG ~ Source of Gratitude Study - Week 2 - Tuesday

Good morning Girls~
Reading 2Corinthians 12:9-10
S: 2Corinthians 12:10 That's why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
O: Weak then strong.
A: I am not going to sit and pretend that I enjoy one minute of my weaknesses or any of these other trials. But when I really think about it, I do realize I am stronger and sometimes even better after I have endured a hardship. I need to only remember when I am struggling though a difficult time, that this world is not my home and whether or not what I may be enduring is going to make me stronger or better, it is all for the cause of Christ.
I remember one of the most difficult times of my life in trying to understand why my sister was taken from this life at such a young age and from her two precious young children; I was at camp sitting around a fire and one of my friends was preaching and she used the scripture from 1Peter 5:10, I had an AHA moment:
In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore support and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.
He has been so gracious to me to place me on a firm foundation of his truths. I lean more on him after this difficult time. I find myself in his lap more often. And spending more time following the Map he has given me to follow and isn't that what He has asked of me?
P: Father, when I'm enduring difficult times and not understanding your plan for my life, I only ask that you comfort and hold me during those times. Reveal to me, in your time, what your plan is. Thank you for the strength you give me. Thank you for holding me in your arms. Thank you for choosing me. I love you and am so thankful for your love for me. In Jesus' precious name. ~Amen
Sisters, I love each one of you. I want you all to know that this study has changed me. This has been the most impactful study of all the others I have done. Thank you for being part of this with me. Thank you for your honesty. You are all such a blessing to me.
Have a beautiful day.
I almost forgot. Please add Chris to our prayers. He is a young man I met yesterday. He and I were going through orientation on our first day of work. He broke his hand Saturday and is facing surgery to repair a tendon. He is married with a new baby and has no insurance. Please pray all the details be ironed out for him. He was scared, especially after just being hired that he could lose his job before even starting.

Monday, November 17, 2014

LGG ~ Source of Gratitude Study - Week 2 - Monday

Good morning Girls~
What a wonderful weekend. But I'm ready for today. Get into my new routine of work again. I hope all of you had a wonderful,restful weekend. I will continue to pray for Audrey please let us know how she is.
This week's challenge:
This week, instead of paying so much time and attention on what we wear on the outside, let's spend time in prayer thanking God for what he has already done and ask him to work in our lives to clothe us with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
This week's memory verse:
Psalm 100:4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.
Reading Colosians 3:1-2. 12-14
S: Colossians 3:12 Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tender hearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.
O: God chose me.
A: I need to make my actions be in line with the qualities that he chose me for. If I'm not clothed in the attributes listed in this scripture, how then can I be a good example of God's love? How will others know of His love if I don't treat them the way he would have me behave? This really brings to mind the question: 'What would Jesus do?'
P: Father, I don't need to ask what would Jesus do, I already know what he would do. He is the perfect example of being tender hearted. Help me to be all of what you need me to be in every situation you present before me. I am placed in many situations where I can be your example and light. Give me the words and actions of one you will be proud whom you have chosen. ~Amen
Please pray for my friend Britt and her son Kaiden. He is a cancer survivor and is having some stomach issues. She is very concerned and scared.
What can we pray about for you this week?
Be blessed and a blessing,

Friday, November 14, 2014

LGG ~ Source of Gratitude Study - Week 1 - Friday

Good morning Girls~
Happy Friday!! I'm excited to have our first visitors this weekend. My husbands parents and sister are coming tomorrow afternoon and spending the night with us.
Reading: Romans 5:6-8
S: Romans 5:8 But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.
O: while we were still sinners.
A: It's amazing to me that Christ came at the exact time to save us, even while we were still sinners, and as Matthew Henry says in his commentary, 'we were in a sad condition'. The interesting thing here, to me is that it says WERE. I looked up the definition of were, and it says passed tense which means not any longer. So he died for us while we WERE still sinners. I mean we are still sinners, but he washed us clean by his blood so I need to stop living my life like I am not worthy of God's love and redemption! I am worthy. He sent his precious son to die for me. To make me worthy. I need to let go of the past because I'm not in the past anymore and move forward and be who he created me to be in Christ. Can I get an AMEN? I mean I'm preaching it here. I've had a holy break through this morning Sweet Sisters. God loves me! He sent his son to die for me, to save me from my wretched ways and live for him. He loves me!
P: Father, I can't imagine a love like yours. I am not humanly able to love like you, but I can keep learning and reading your holy word to show me the ways to live this life the way you would have me live. Yes, I will stumble but I know you are right beside me all the way to pick me up and dust me off and even carry me if need be. Thank you for letting me be refreshed this morning by your word. Thank you for you son, who without him, I'd still be living in my sins. Thank you for loving even me.  ~Amen
Have a beautiful weekend Dear ones. I will be praying for each of you, as always.
In His Love,

Thursday, November 13, 2014

LGG ~ Source of Gratitude Study - Week 1 - Thursday

Good morning Girls~
Thank you for your prayers.
Reading Lamentations 3:21-25
S: Lamentations 3: 22-23 The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.
O: His love and mercy never ends and are new every morning. Never and every morning stand out to me. Whoa! My God is faithful. His love never ends. His mercies never end and are new every morning.
A: It amazes me that someone loves me this much even when I fail miserably at following his commands. But every morning when I wake up and open my blinds the sun is rising and there is a day prepared just for me. My God loves me so much that He sent his son to die for me and save me from my wretched self.
P: Father, thank you for this day, new and fresh and prepared just for me. Only I can live the life that you chose for me. You are great. And you are faithful. Thank you for being merciful to me because I do not deserve the life you have prepared for me. If it were up to me, I would be doomed to hell. Praise you for sending your Son to save me. I am humbled by your love. ~Amen
Thankful Thursday: I am thankful for my daughter. We have our ups and downs especially living together, but she is such a blessing and light in my life.
What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

LGG ~ Source of Gratitude Study - Week 1 - Wednesday

Good morning Girls~
Did you have a chance to thank a Veteran yesterday? I did. I talked to my dad who has been in a veteran's home for a year now. He served in Vietnam Nam. He was sad that he didn't get a chance to go home yesterday or even get a visitor on his special day. That makes me sad. But we did have a nice chat and he was happy I called.
Reading Psalm 18:30-32
S: Psalm 18:31 For who is God except the Lord? Who but our God is a solid rock? (this week's memory verse)
O: Only one true God.
A: There is only one God. I need to remember who my God is. I put many gods before me like food, work, things, etc. How very sinful I am. I need to remember there is only one true and solid God. One that never let's me down. One that holds me up when I feel I can't take another step.
P: Father, forgive me for putting things ahead of you. You are the one and only God that deserves my praise and worship. Thank you for never letting me down. Thank you for being my Solid Rock. I have a sure foothold when I stand on you and your word. Help me be your witness. ~Amen
Please pray for my son as he struggles with my dad being in the veterans home. It's a long and difficult story, but just know it needs covered in prayer.
Today is witness Wednesday. Who will you witness God's love to today?
Be blessed and a blessing,

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

LGG ~ Source of Gratitude Study - Week 1 - Tuesday

Good morning Girls~
It was so good to hear all of your responses yesterday. Seems we have some things in common. I love how God shows us our faults and gives us a clear way to work on our issues and continues to love us unconditionally.
Reading Daniel 2:20-23
S: Daniel 2:20 He said, "Praise the name of God forever and ever, for he has all wisdom and power'.
O: God has all wisdom and power.
A: Praise God! He knows how my last puzzles piece falls into place. If it were up to me, I'd still have a box of jumbled broken pieces. Praise God that he gives us the directions. He tells us in his holy word what we need to do for him to care for us. I need to spend more time reading his manual to help me get through this life when I hit road blocks and other difficult times so I know what to do.
P: Holy God, Mighty One, I praise your holy name! I am comforted knowing you have all the wisdom and power and that you love even me. That you would provide a light for my path and direct me. Give me the desire to always turn to you and turn to you first in all my ways. You are the one who can give me the answers to all of my questions.
Father, thank you for all the service men and women who have fought and continue to fight for our freedom. Please protect them and comfort their families. The price of our freedom is not free. Their are many sacrifices which I know I take for granted. Thank you for the ultimate sacrifice your Son who died for us all. ~Amen
Take time to thank a veteran in some way today, even if it is just to offer up a prayer for them.
Be blessed and a blessing,

Monday, November 10, 2014

LGG ~ Source of Gratitude Study - Week 1 - Monday

Good morning Ladies~

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready to start our official study.

This week's challenge is:

"Every day this week, set your alarm thirty minutes earlier than your normal wake-up time. Purposely use this time to:
1. MEDITATE on God's wonderful works,
2. PRAISE God for what He has done, the ask Him to give you opportunities to,
3. TELL of His power in your interactions with others this week."

The memory verse this week is:

Psalm 18:31 For who is God besides The Lord? And who is the Rock except our God?

Today's reading is Psalm 145:3-8

S: Psalm 145:8 The Lord is merciful and compassionate slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.

O: Slow to get angry.

A: This speaks volumes to me. I am easily angered even by the smallest things. Someone didn't put something back in its proper place. There's a dirty dish in the sink. Someone is late. Someone is early. Someone didn't do what they said they would. Blah blah blah. Haven't I done all of these things and way more? Much bigger offenses? I don't deserve the love and compassion that God so graciously offers me everyday. Yet He loves me unconditionally and unfailingly. I need to be slow to anger and love like He loves me.

P: Father, help me to be slow to anger. Help me to love like you do. I know I will always be a sinner in this flesh, but I can take each moment to strive to be a better woman, a better example of your love. Give me opportunities to share your love with others around me to tell of how you are working in my life. Help me to see the sin in my own life in a way that would cause me to slow my anger towards others.

I would also ask you to be with each woman in this group to have a burning desire in our hearts for you. Even if we aren't posting in this group each day, please put the desire in each of us to study your word and put it to work in our lives so we can share you with the world around us. In Jesus precious name I pray. ~Amen

How can we pray for you this week?

Friday, October 24, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 8 - Day 5

Reading Esther 9:1-32

S:  Esther 10:3 Mordecai the Jew ranked second in command to King Xerxes. He was popular among the Jews and greatly respected by them. He worked hard for the good of his people; he cared for the peace and prosperity if his race. 

O:  Respected and cared for his people. 

A:  This was an amazing life changing study. It has taught me to be bold. It has taught me to stand up for what I believe. It has taught me to trust. And most importantly that God is by my side always. He will use me in a mighty way to get his work accomplished. Not my will Father, but your own. 

P:  Father thank you for using Esther and Mordecai  and even Haman in such a mighty way to get your work done. You have taught me so much through this study. Thank you for these lovely women who openly shared how you were teaching each of them to help us all grow. Be with each of us as we continue to grow and give us all courage to stand up for you and spread your love in this lost dark world. In your precious son's name, I pray. ~Amen

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 8 - Day 4

Reading Esther 9:11-22

S:  Psalms 71:24 I will tell about your righteousness deeds all day long, for everyone who tried to hurt me has been shamed and humiliated. 

O:  Talk about God all day long. 

A:  I think we talked about this last week, too. How much better our lives we be if we did this. But I get done with my reading and devotion time and get busy with my day and don't talk much about it anymore. How shameful. I was thinking this yesterday, I wish I would consume my life with the things of God as much as I do all the other stuff. How much better would my life be. 

P:  Father God, consume me. Give my your holy fire to burn with a longing to be about your work. Forgive me for not being a better steward of my time. I love you Father and praise your holy name. ~Amen

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 8 - Day 3

Reading Esther 9:1-10

S:  Psalms 71:13  Bring disgrace and destruction on my accusers. Humiliate and shame those who want to harm me. 

O:  God has my back and is by my side. 

A:  I've been thinking about what it means to stand up for what I believe based on what God says. I tend to blend into the crowd, not wanting to draw attention to myself. It's this washy washy attitude that will get me in trouble. That's not standing up for God and witnessing for him. It's not right to sit by and watch all the world changing their values and thinking God is okay with it. If it doesn't go along with what the bible says, it's wrong. While I believe we should live in harmony it's not okay to accept what the world is saying is acceptable. Sisters what I'm saying is, in my opinion, God will stand by our side, just like he did with Esther and her people as long as we are standing for Him. It's okay to stand up for our beliefs. God has our back. Being complacent is a sin. 

P:  Father thank you for being by my side, always. Please forgive me for being complacent. Forgive me for standing by and not speaking up on issues that I know blatantly are against what you say in your word. Forgive me for being accepting and tolerant with issues I know are against you will. Give me a love for you so strong that I will stand up for you and your word. I know you will bless me. Like Amy said yesterday, it may not be easy and even unto death, you have my back. If I would die defending you and your word, I know you have prepared a home for me in eternity. ~Amen

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 8 - Day 2

Reading Esther 8:11-17

S:  Psalms 97:10 You who love The Lord, hate evil!  He protects the lives of his godly people and rescues them from the power of the wicked. 

O:  Love. Protect. Rescue. 

A:  More words of comfort!  I'm am thankful to be His child. Thankful for protection. Knowing I can step boldly out in faith and God having my back gives me confidence. I need to do more witnessing and sharing and spreading His word. 

P:  Father again I come before you this morning praising you and thanking you for your hand of protection and rescuing me from the evil one. I know you are by my side always. Give me the armor of God to boldly step out in faith to proclaim your name to all. I need not fear. Father, I also ask you be with Doug and Amy as Doug heads into surgery. Guide the surgeon's hands. Be with all who care for him. Be with Amy as she waits. I also ask you be in the recovery process. May his pain be minimal. Be with Amy as she cares for his needs. I ask in Jesus' precious name. ~ Amen

Monday, October 20, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 8 - Day 1

Good morning Sweet Sisters~

I can hardly believe it is day 50 of our study. I am so thankful for what I have gained from this study and for each of you. 

Reading Esther 8:1-10

S:  Proverbs 28:20 The trustworthy person will get a rich reward, but a person who wants quick riches with get into trouble. 

O:  Trustworthy = reward   

A:  Trust is tough, for me at least. I trust easy, but when that is broken it's hard to trust again. I've been faced with some challenging trust issues in my life with people very close to me.  However, God has never failed me. I have not always trusted God. I need to always remember he has my best interest in mind. He knows the plan for my life. I only need to trust. Oh that I would have the faith Esther had!  I have been changed by this study. 

P:  Praise you Father for your love and mercy. Praise you for forgiving me when I had no trust. Thank you for your constant and abiding love and for never leaving or forsaking me even when I did not trust. ~Amen

I am praising God for putting us in this state and giving us new friends who love us like family already. Praising him for a home and jobs and so many things that could have been so different when moving to a new state. Praise you Jesus for this and so much more.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 7 - Day 5

Reading Esther 7:9-10

S:  Proverbs 26:27 If you set a trap for others, you will get caught in it yourself.  If you roll a boulder down on others, it will crush you instead. 

The Message says this:  Malice backfires; spite boomerangs. 

O:  Sabbatoge yourself. 

A:  This week has been my favorite so far in the study. I realized so many things and have become more aware of how I affect situations I am faced with. This verse today makes me think of how I will respond and do respond to conversations and other situations. My attitude is important. My words are important. If I am being negative or oppositional, my attitude can sway the conversation or situation in a different direction. I need to be careful to always put what God would have me to say or do as my priority. I need to make sure I am listening to Him and not being disappointed or victorious prematurely. For example I interviewed for a job last week. I claimed it to be mine and trusted God would see that it was. I didn't get the job. Even in my disappointment, I realized God's plan is bigger than mine. I need to wait, just like Esther. It isn't over. The victory will come. God's glory will be revealed. 

P:  Father, thank you for this week of breaking chains. Thank you for revealing your word to me and giving me a new way of thinking, a new way to bring honor and glory to you. You are so good. Thank you for showing me the wicked and evil are part your plan, too.  They cannot ruin it. I ask that you help me to be very careful in using my words and actions to bring glory to you. Help me not be spiteful or mean. Help me to show love and kindness always. ~Amen

FFF~ Father I lift Amy to you as she finishes up this busy week. Help her to be renewed and refreshed. Thank you for her willingness to be our leader. She is committed to you and for her I am so thankful. Be with each woman in our group this weekend. Keep us safe.  Refresh our souls this weekend. Thank you for your word. In Jesus precious name. ~Amen

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 7 - Day 4

Reading Esther 7:7-8

S:  Proverbs 16:4  The Lord has made everything for his purposes, even the wicked for a day of disaster. 

O:  Made everything for His purposes. 

A:  Doesn't this bring it all together for you?  It does me. When I finally realize the reason for everything is for God's purpose, it just makes sense. It's not about me. It's not about you. It's not about anything else.  It's just about Him. His will. His purpose. Everything. Period. 

P:  Father, I try to make everything so hard. You make things so easy. I need to put you first in all things and realize that it's all because of you. ~Amen

One of my favorites songs. Share one of yours today. Let's praise Him and his purpose. 

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 7 - Day 3

Reading Esther 7:5-6

S:  Psalms 37:28 For The Lord loves justice, and he will never abandon the godly. He will keep them safe forever, but the children of the wicked will die. 

O: Justice. Godly. Safe. 

A:  More comfort from the word of God. It makes me sad to think how many people in this world do not know this wonderful Savior. I love the fact that I can run into His loving arms and sit in His lap with all my joys and sorrows.  The wicked don't do this. They aren't running in fear. I am. My fear is not having the comfort of God to care for me and prepare a home for me. Being lost is not a good feeling. He gives me direction in his word how to get 'home'. He keeps me safe and will never let me go. 

P:  Father, thank you for loving me and never letting go even when I have strayed. Thank you for giving me a heart for you. Thank you for giving me the desire to want more of your word and for being my friend and confidant. You know me inside and out. I ask forgiveness for my sins.  Thank you for your mercy. Thank you for keeping me safe. Thank you for helping me grow through disappointments. I know you have a great plan for my life. I love you. ~Amen

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 7 - Day 2

Reading Esther 7:3-4

S: Joshua 1:9 This is my command - be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For The Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

O:  Be strong and courageous. God is with me always. 

A:  This week is already a week of being courageous. God is breaking my chains of worry and now giving me the boldness to stand for who I am in Him. I can be brave enough to stand up for my beliefs and He will be right by my side. I am one who likes to blend in and not have attention drawn to myself. And as I have said before I do sometimes speak up (which most times takes a lot) and it's not always at the right time. I need to be confident in my faith and standing up for Christ. 

P:  Father thank you for giving me this scripture as a reminder you are always by my side and that I can boldly walk in faith knowing you are there. I ask you to continue to hold my tongue when it should be held but to also help me be strong enough to use it when I need to speak up for you and furthering your kingdom. This week I am claiming things to be mine in your name with a boldness of faith. And if it not be your will, I will still be thankful in what you are preparing for me. In Jesus precious name. ~Amen. 

TT:  I am thankful for a safe trip to and from PA and for time with family and friends. Also, the gorgeous weather for my friends beautiful wedding. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 7 - Day 1

Reading Esther 7:1

S: Philippians 4:6 Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 

O: Don't worry. Just pray. Be thankful. 

A: I have a feeling some chains are going to break this week. I can feel it in my bones. If you look up worry in the dictionary, how many of us would have our picture there for all the world to see?  Mine would be there. It's like being called out. Oh yea you are a Christian but how much do you really trust your God?  You question and worry about everything. Look at your bitten fingernails!  Look at the creases of wrinkles on your face from worry. Yep. That's me. I worry about everything. Lately, though God and I, through study, prayer and fellowship, we have been deciding what I should and shouldn't claim. I will not claim and illness or ailing body part. For example I will not say "this cough and cold of MINE". Or "MY bad knee". Instead I will say "this is a bad cough and cold" or "this bad knee". It may seem silly by only changing the way I say something but this is how He is working on me. I'm not claiming the bad stuff as MINE.  However, I will claim something I believe he is giving to me like "I know this house will be mine" or "this position I applied for is mine". It's having faith and trust in God. Claiming what I believe he is doing for me. All of that to say, I should not worry about things. God has my best interest in mind ultimately to bring glory and honor to him. I also need to say if the things I claim to be or not to be don't turn out the way I have claimed, I still need to be thankful in all things because he is working them out for my good. He knows best. Yes Father knows best!  I only need to tell him and he will work out all the details. Whether I think they are good or not is none of my business. I don't see the entire picture. I may not know the answer here while I am living in this world, but remember that puzzle he is putting together for me?  When I get to heaven, because it am claiming heaven as MY HOME, I will see the completed puzzle. All the pieces in place making a perfect picture and understanding of all the whys and why nots in place and a very clear understanding of my life as a whole and not just a piece. Oh what a day. I'm so blessed to have Him standing at the end of my life waiting for me to run into his arms and say child, see, this was my plan for you all along. 

P: Father you are amazing! I praise you and thank you. You have been working on me with these verses for many many years. I have them listed as favorites on just about everything. You know I am a worrier. But you are almighty and sovereign. You have lead me to this study not by accident. You knew these chains needed breaking and not just my chains, Lord, but the chains of the other women in this group. Father I am claiming it, and if it be your will, you will break these chains and make us victorious over the bondage of the enormous sin of worry. Take even the smallest part of our lives that we have not given over to you and make us victorious to bring honor and glory to you Lord that we may be witnesses for you and how you can change our lives.  Thank you for what you will do this week. Thank you for taking this sin and crushing it. I ask this in Jesus Christ's precious name. ~Amen 

Please pray for Alex. He is a 12 year old boy born with a heart defect and has had many surgeries over the years. He is heading to surgery again tomorrow. Pray for comfort while his family and friends wait and for the team who will care for him and that he will be completely healed. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 6 - Day 5

Reading Esther 6:12-14

S:  Genesis 12:3 I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you. 

O:  Bless. Curse. 

A:  To be a child of God is a blessing. We are covered by his blood. We are protected even in death. We do not need to fear this world and the things of it. He has completed the plan to save us from destruction in his Son's life. It's amazing how much I have learned from this study. God works out every detail to his advantage to do his will, using people like Esther, an orphan so I too can be used. 

P:  Father I ask you to use me and the women in this group to be used for you work. To get your work done. Help us to be used in each of our places in this world. We exalt your name and we love you. Thank you for leading me here. Right here where I am. Make known to us the paths you want us to take to spread your word. We trust you and love you. This world has so many terrible things going on. Give us the fearlessness we need to do your work for we know that even in death we are victorious in you. Praise you Jesus!  ~Amen

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 6 - Day 4

Reading Esther 6:10-11

S:  Proverbs 25:6-7 Don't demand an audience with the King, or push for a place among the great. It's better to wait for an invitation to the head table than to be sent away in public disgrace. Just because you've seen something, (8 don't be in a hurry to go to court. For what will you do in the end if your neighbor deals you a shameful defeat?)

O:  Wait for an invitation. 

A:  I needed to read a little further. I don't like to end on a comma. I need the whole thought. It's interesting. This says a lot about ones character. Running ahead of the line. Speaking ahead. Drawing attention to oneself. I need to be careful. While I am one to not speak up first, I do like to chime in and make my statement. Or if something isn't being done to my liking or fast enough or not as good as 'I WOULD DO IT'.  Yikes!!  That's me and that's pride. I need to wait. Listen. And speak or do when I am called to what God wants me to do. I don't always need to be putting in my two cents. 

P:  Father I come before you this morning asking you to help me hear your voice when you are telling me to 'Go' and when you are telling me to be silent.  Help me to do what I do to bring out my best self in You. I want to be your hands and feet. I don't need to preach, just be an example for you and to further your kingdom. ~Amen. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 6 - Day 3

Reading Esther 6:7-9

S:  Romans 12:3 Because of the privledge and authority God has given me, I give each you this warning: Don't think you are better than you are. Be honest in evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us. 

O:  Privledge. Warning. Evaluation. Measuring. Faith. 

A:  God has given me a privilege of being his child and oh what a privilege. But I need to be careful in how I conduct myself. I must be humble and honest in a way that only glorifies Him. 

P:  Father what an honor to be called your child. What a privilege. Forgive me for not always representing you. Forgive me for accepting praise for things I've done to lift myself up. Give me opportunities to serve you and show others who you are and what you can do for the lost. ~Amen. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 6 - Day 2

Reading Esther 6:4-6

S:  Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall. 

O:  Pride, haughtiness=Destruction, fall. 

A:  I have done this. I am guilty. You get called and thinking you are going to be rewarded, praised for something you did. Not!  I hate my prideful self. It's ugly and displeasing to God. I have been warned. Fear pride. 

P:  Father, I am humbled. I am sorry. Please take my pride away. I need only boast in you and you alone. We have many prayer requests. Be with each one, especially Amy and Doug this day. Be with the doctors and other individuals who will care for him today and those who will minister to Amy as she waits. We give this surgery to you Lord. I ask this in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior's name. ~Amen. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 6 - Day 1

Reading Esther 6:1-3

S:  Proverbs 16:13  The king is pleased with words from righteous lips; he loves those who speak honestly. 

O:  Righteous and honest words. 

A:  Do I choose my words carefully?  Are they righteous and true? Most importantly are they pleasing The King? 

P:  Father, God, Mighty One, One True King, are the words of my mouth and meditation of my heart pleasing to you! O Holy One?  May you guide my heart and direct my path and give me words to speak that only bring glory, honor and praise to you.  For you alone are holy. I praise you and honor you. What a privilege it is to be able to speak your name. Oh what a privilege. ~Amen 

Please pray for a man I met this weekend whose son is dying from a lung disease. The son is only 46, married and has a small daughter. It was painful to see this father already grieving for the loss of his son. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 5 - Day 5

Reading: Esther 5:12-14

S:  Proverbs 14:22 If you plan to do evil, you will be lost; if you plan to do good, you will receive unfailing love and faithfulness. 

O:  PLAN     evil=lost   good=love and faithfulness

A:  I love this!  God knows my heart.  Man does not.  So many times I have been in situations where I feel my character is being questioned or whether or not I'm genuine and it makes me worry what others are thinking. I have always been like that. It bothers me that I allow satan to win at his games. But praise God, he knows my heart. Iit doesn't matter what people think.  (I may be really off on what I am getting from this scripture today than others, but this is how God spoke to me today and I love it!)

P:  Father thank you for giving me what I needed to hear today. You know my heart. You know I doubt myself all the time. Thank you for a loving husband who builds me up and tells me to be confident in who I am. Thank you for your word to guide me. ~Amen

FFF: I was up early praying for all of us today. I am especially excited for the wedding. Mary I am praying for a perfect day and many oppotunities to share God's love. I pray we all have a weekend that gives us what we need to recharge our souls for another week.  I will finally be going to church this weekend!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 5 - Day 4

Reading Esther 5:9-11

S:  Proverbs 16:5 The Lord detests the proud; they will surely be punished. 

O:  Pride=Punished

A:  It's hard to not fall into the traps of the world. The world is so stuck on pride. 'What great accomplishments have you done? Where have you traveled? How big is your home/car/boat/stuff? How much money do you make?' etc etc etc..... I want people to know I am a Christian by the way I conduct myself. How I speak. How I walk. How I live my life. I don't want them to even question Whom I choose to serve. But I know I fail at this daily because I live in this world. I am grateful for being redeemed and loved by a King who knows my heart and accepts my repentance. 

P:  Father I am sorry to fail you. I am sorry I fall into the traps of this world. I ask forgiveness for being prideful in my accomplishments. You know I love you and you have given so graciously, your son, to set me free. Let me be a light in this dark world. Help me to walk in pride of being your child and prideful of nothing more. I love you. ~Amen 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 5 - Day 3

Reading Esther 5:6-7

S:  Proverbs 25:11 Timely advice is lovely, like golden apples in a silver basket. 

O:  Timely advice. 

A:  Knowing when to speak and to be quiet is an admirable trait. If I would only spend more time in prayer about this and many other things in life, I might know when to speak and not. 

P:  Father, I need your discernment. Help me to remember it is your will and not my own. Waiting is not a trait of mine. Give me the passion to turn to you always, in everything and foremost. Thank you for giving me another day.  ~Amen

Monday, September 29, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 5 - Day 2

Reading Esther 5:4-5

S:  Psalms 20:4 May he grant your heart's desires and make all your plans succeed. 

O:  Grant my heart's desires and plans succeed. 

A:  As I align my life up with how God is directing my path, he will take care of me. I need to be more like Esther and trust and obey. I can do this by spending more time with Him and reading his word. 

P:  Father, thank you for always being by my side, carrying me if necessary. You provide for every need and even my desires. Forgive me for not always appreciating the over abundance of things you provide for me. I love you Lord and seek your will for my life. ~Amen

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 5 - Day 1

Reading Esther 5:1-3

S:  Paslms 34:7 For the angel of The Lord is a guard; he surrounds and defends all who fear him. 

O:  Guards, surrounds and defends. 

A:  Trust. How many times do I not trust?  I fear and don't step out in faith and trust God's plan and His protection. I need to remember the puzzle he is putting together for me. The puzzle of my life. I need to remember he has all the pieces splayed out before him knowing exactly which piece is going into place next. I need to trust him and allow him to use me to press the edges in. 

P:  Father, God, Holy One, you are my defender. You are my guard. You surround me with a hedge of protection, my puzzle border.  I hesitate and sometimes never move. Give me the courage to trust where you are sending me. Give me the boldness of Esther to come out from under my covers to do your will. I ask in Jesus precious name. ~Amen

Please pray for my friend, Amy, who is trying to sell her house. She is living with her in laws and has found several homes but can't buy until hers sells. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 4 - Day 5

Reading Esther 4:15-17

S:  Psalms 32:8  The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.  I will advise you and watch over you.  

O:  He will guide, advise and watch over me on the best pathway of my life. 

A:  I decided I need to make this personal. Not that I haven't but this week especially made me feel like God is really speaking directly to me. He is telling me what I need to do and what He is doing. I need to stay in His word to really learn and know his will for my life. 

P:  Father thank you for opening my heart. Thank you for a clear direction. Thank you for giving me all of what I need to be your child in his life. Thank you for letting me know this is not the end that you have an eternal home prepared for me. I need to share this so others may know your love and have your watchful eyes upon them. ~Amen

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 4 - Day 4

Reading Esther 4:12-14

S:  Esther 4:14  If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die.  Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just as such a time as this?

O:  I (insert your name here) was made for such a time as this. 

A:  Am I going to sit here and keep wondering what it is I am supposed to be doing to further the kingdom of God or am I going to keep sitting here waiting for it to come to me?  

P:  Father make me your hands and feet. I want to do your will. Sitting here wondering what it is or trying to figure it out isn't helping. Forgive me for passing on opprtunities you put in front of me because I don't want to get my hands dirty or get involved.  You give me opportunities everyday in big ways and small ways. Use me, Lord. ~Amen

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 4 - Day 3

Reading Esther 4:8-11

S:  Proverbs 20:28 Unfailing love and faithfulness protect the king; his throne is made secure through love. 

O:  Unfailing love and faithfulness. 

A:  His unfailing love and faithfulness are what make me what I am today. Not anything I have done or do. He gives me the desire to be who I am. I strive to be more like him each day. I fall and I get back up. He is faithful to help me get back up. I could choose to lay there and wallow in my 'whoa is me state', but he loves me too much to let me there. 

P:  Papa, thank you for loving me and being faithful to me. Even if I was the only one, you would have still come for me. Thank you for making me who I am. I am not being prideful. I am just very thankful that you love me enough and care for me enough to not let me die in my sins.  Praise your holy name. ~Amen

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 4 - Day 2

Reading Esther 4:4-7

S:  2Corinthians 1:4 He comforts us is all our troubles so we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. 

O:  Comfort in all our troubles. Give others the same comfort. 

A:  I have lost so much in losing my sister, but I also gained so much. God in his goodness and mercy has loved me and comforted me in this difficult time. He has taught me how to grieve and help others in their loss. He has silenced me when I needed to be quiet and given me words when I had none to offer. He has taught me in my loss. He has comforted me. 

P:  Father when I had no words and only tears you gave me what I needed. You comforted me even when I thought you weren't there. Thank you for teaching me even in my grief. Thank you for giving me opprtunities to comfort others. Use me to share your love with others especially with those who do not know you as their personal Lord and Savior so they can have a life living to serve you. Let me be your hands and feet, Lord. I ask in Jesus' name. ~Amen

TT:  I am thankful for oppotunities to minister to others and witness of God's love. I am thankful I didn't drown in my sorrow and become a bitter angry woman who blamed God. Thank God I am His. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 4 - Day 1

Reading Esther 4:1-3

S: Psalms 51:17 The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God. 

O:  Broken spirit. God will not reject. 

A:  Praise God. When I lost my sister nearly four years ago, I was so broken and so angry. While I am still broken and angry at times, I praise God for his mercy and forgiveness. And even though I still do not understand why, I am so grateful to have a closer walk with him because of this trial. I may have shared this before, but my favorite verse that helped me heal tremendously is:

1Peter 5:10 In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory be means of Christ Jesus. So that after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation. All glory to him forever! Amen. 

P:  Father I know trials come in this life and they are hard to bear. And even though I may not praise you at the time of the struggle, even though I should, I praise you for making me stronger and bringing me closer to you. Thank you for letting me know that it is all for your glory. Thank you for calling me yours. Thank you for always loving me in spite of my anger. Thank you for hearing my cries. Thank you for holding me and never letting go. In Jesus precious name. ~Amen

My prayer request this week is that we all take a look at the challenge placed before us by Whitney with LGG. Take the challenge right where you are. There is not one of us who is not given the opportunity to be used by God even in the smallest places. For me, this week I am going to challenge myself with my husband and daughter. We have been in a negative space lately. Even if it is to only pray or zip my lip, I am challenging myself to bring a positive influence and bring honor and glory to God right here in our home. We all are given many opportunities each day to make a change. My prayer request is for us to recognize the opportunities and go for it!  Bring honor and glory to God our Father in the moment. Be used. 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 3 - Day 5

Reading Esther 3:14-15

S:  Proverbs 25:19 Putting confidence in an unreliable person in times if trouble is like chewing with a broken tooth or walking on a lame foot. 

O:  Trusting in someone untrustworthy is not a good thing. 

A:  I need to be very careful who I turn to for advice. If I am turning to someone I barely know and is not a true man or woman of God I could be lead into a difficult situation. I need to be sure to turn to God first to direct me to Godly advice. 

P:  Father again your word reminds me of where I need to turn. And that is to you and your word. Everything I need to know has been written in your book of instruction. Lead me to people who know and love you and will direct my path. Help me as I search for a church here in our new home state. Give me confidence to walk in the doors of a new church.  I love you Lord and praise your holy name. ~Amen

FFF:  I am so blessed by each one of you. Each devotion paints another picture in my mind. I am so grateful for the picture Shirley paints of us crawling into our Papa's lap and Him holding us close, loving and comforting us and listening to each of our hearts desires. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 3 - Day 4

Reading Esther 3:12-13

S:  Psalms 63:9 But those plotting to destroy me will come to ruin. The will go down into the depths of the earth. 

O:  Those plotting to destroy and ruin will go into the depths. 

A:  Hope is the first thing that comes to mind when I read this. I have hope. I am saved by the grace of God, by the blood of Jesus. Whom shall I fear?  

P:  Father thank you for your Son. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for giving me hope and knowing that you are my God and protector. ~Amen

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 3 - Day 3

Reading Esther 3:7-11

S:  Psalms 52:2 All day long you plot destruction. Your tongue cuts like a sharp razor, you're an expert at telling lies. 

O:  Plot destruction. Cuts like a razor. Expert of lies. 

A:  Wow!  I am reminded how wretched I am. Sensationalism flows freely from my tongue making things better or worse than they really are for building up or sympathy. I need to be like Amy and zip it. I read something this week and laughed at it. Maybe I should take the advice of it:  Instead of lip gloss, some people should use a glue stick!  <-----yep, that's me. 

P:  Father, be my glue stick. Seal my lips and hold my tongue. You have provided. You are in control. Let my life be an example of that. Trip me. Get me out of your way. Oh Lord, I'm humbled by your instruction. Help me. ~Amen

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 3 - Day 2

Reading: Esther 3:5-6

S:  Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall. 
The Message puts it this way:  First pride, then the crash - the bigger the ego,the harder the fall

O:  Pride. Destruction. Fall. 

A:  That's putting it bluntly. If I would only start each day, each moment with the words, 'I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength' instead of 'I can do this on my own.  I don't need any help'. That's pride and I do it all the time. And I crash hard, all the time. 

P:  Father, you know me and know my heart. While I am a good person, you know I am hard headed and want to take the credit for things. I am especially feeling the sting of these words today as I have been preparing my resume.  Thank YOU for giving me the skills I have. Thank YOU for the ability to get things done. Thank YOU!!  It's all because of YOU, not me. I love you Lord. ~Amen

TT: I am thankful for time with my daughter and listening to her tell me of her day and making wedding plans and buying a house and her dreams for her future. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study -Week 3 - Day 1

Reading Esther 3:1-3

S:  Psalms 95:6 Come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before The Lord our maker. 

O:  Worship. Bow down. Kneel before The Lord 

A:  This verse made me really think about what it is I am worshiping.  I can think of quite a few things in my life that I worship. Some more than others.  There are things that take priority in my life. I need to reexamine my priorities. I am challenging myself this week to take a stand against those things I wrongly worship and ask God to stand in place of those idols. 

P:  Father, God, I know what stands in my way. Some idols more clear than others. You know what does, too.  Forgive me. Be my Idol, Father. Let nothing stand between us. Help me. Give me strength to break the chains of the things standing between us. Let me run to you when I feel my weaknesses taking over. I want to love you more than any other thing in my life. ~Amen

Friday, September 12, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 2 - Day 5

Reading Esther 2:19-23

S:  Proverbs 19:20 Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life. 

O:  Advice/instruction. Wise the rest of your life. 

A:  Where could anyone find better advice and instruction than God's word?  I need to stay in his word and in this study with you wonderful women to gain as much wisdom as possible for the rest of my life. 

P:  Father your guidance and direction in your word is the best advice I could ever want or need. Thank you for putting me right where I am. Thank you for this group of women who help me each day to grown in wisdom with your word. Be with each of us this weekend. Restore us and strengthen us and give us each the comfort we need. In Jesus precious name. ~Amen 

FFF ~ I lift each of you ladies up today. You all have been such great support and prayer warriors to everyone in the group. I'm blessed and grateful for each of you. 

PS We signed on a house yesterday. Praise The Lord from whom all blessings flow!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 2 - Day 4

Reading Esther 2:12:18

S:  Esther 2:17. And the king loved Esther more than any of the other young women. He was so delighted with her that he set the royal crown on her head and declared her queen instead of Vashti. 

O:  Loved her more than the others. He was delighted with her. Declared her queen. 

A:  I honestly have to say this passage puzzled me. But then God gave me this. Esther was an orphan. She probably was very down and sad at this being an orphan at such a young age. But she was cared for and loved and obviously beautiful which caused her to be placed in a very important role for ages to come. 

P:  Father these words today remind me that no one is out of your reach. You care and provide for the fatherless, the homeless and unloveable. Continue to put this word on my heart that I would wholly understand what you would have me take from this passage. ~Amen

TT:  I am so thankful for this group of women. So many have reached out and prayed for me and others. It's such a comfort to know I am prayed for and loved. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 2 - Day 3

Reading Esther 2:8-11

S:  Psalm 112:1 Praise The Lord!  How joyful are those who fear The Lord and delight in obeying his commands. 

O:  Praise. Joyful. Delight. 

A:  I have been so down lately. I really needed these words today.  Praise The Lord. I need to remember he always has my best interest at heart. He loves me and directs my path just like he did Esther's. I need to stay in his word and obey him. But the best part is he loves me in spite of my faults. Hallelujah! 

P:  Father thank you. You love me and know what's best for me. Forgive me for not always seeing what you plan for me as good. Thank you for providing all of my needs. A roof. Food. Water. Heat and cool. A bed. Oh so much to be thankful for. Thank you for loving me. ~Amen

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 2 - Day 2

Reading Esther 2:5-7

S:  James 1:26-27 MSG Anyone who sets himself up as "religious" by talking a good game is self-deceived. This kind of religion is hot air and only hot air. Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world.

O:  I love how the Message puts it. Very blunt. Just words. Hot air.  Be real. Love the homeless and loveless. 

A:  I want to be like Mordecai. He took in this poor child, an orphan. Working from home has not been a good thing for me. I love people. I miss being engaged with people. But even when I am out amongst the people am I doing what is asked of me to love the loveless?  Really reaching out to help those in need?  I need to come out of this funk I am in and embrace our new home city and get involved in a church and our community. 

P:  Father, you know my heart. You know where I am. You know that I have been avoiding church and people. I feeling your nudging and I have blatantly ignored your calling me out. Forgive me. Give me opprtunities to engage. To love. To help. I ask this in Jesus precious name. ~Amen

Monday, September 8, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 2 - Day 1

Reading Esther 2:1-4

S:   Ephesians 5:15 So be careful how you live.  Don't live like fools, but like those who are wise.

O:  Be careful.  Be wise.

A:  I was sitting here thinking about those young women the king's attendants set out to find.  I was thinking how vulnerable these girls were.  How exciting to be sought after and pampered in the event they were chosen for Xerxes' next queen.  What a way to lure someone in to the snare.  How easy that is for us today.  We are lured in by many deceiving things of this world.  Satan uses all kinds of lures.  I fall for them all the time.  I need to be very careful how I live and not fall for the tricks he has up his sleeves.  I want to follow God's plan and live a wise life.

P:  Father, I ask that you bind satan from my life and the lives of these women.  Don't let us be fooled by satan's lies.  Let us be fools for you, Lord.  Give us the discernment to know the difference between a lure to follow the ways of this world and what you would have us do to please you and your will.  Be with each of us this week as we study your word.  ~Amen

Friday, September 5, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 1 - Day 5

Reading Esther 1:19-21

S: Ephesians 5:33 So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

O:  Love her as he loves himself.  Respect her husband.

A:  This is so interesting because I was thinking, 'well what if your husband isn't a spiritual leader and you aren't sure that his motives are of the Lord?'  I am not saying that my husband isn't a wonderful man and that he cares and provides for me, but I wonder if he loves me in the way God would have him love me.  Then I asked myself, do I love and respect him the way the Lord would have me love and respect him?  Just questioning that tells me that I don't.  I need to remember who is in control.  It is not my husband, it is God.  He loves me.  He cares for me and He provides for me.  He gave this man as my husband and who am I to question or disrespect my husband when this is God's command of me. 

I love how Jen puts it:

You can rest assured that whatever is happening in your life, God is already at work putting the pieces together. ~Jen Thorn

Isn't is a wonderfully peaceful feeling knowing who holds you in the palm of His hand, putting your puzzle together?  I love the song by Casting Crowns - Already There.  He is at the end of my life waiting for me, waiting to show me the completed masterpiece of my life, ready to say, 'See I planned this out all for you'.

P:  Father, thank you.  Thank you for planning out my life perfectly.  Thank you for giving me a wonderful man to care for me and love me.  Guide my steps in respecting this man and hold him in your hand and give him what he needs to provide for our family.  I pray that you bring him unto you, that he would want to know you and love you like I do.  Help me to be your witness to him by respecting and loving him how you would have me love and respect him.  In Jesus' precious name, I pray.  ~Amen

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 1 - Day 4

Good Morning Ladies~

Reading Esther 1:13-18

S:  Proverbs 14:8 The prudent understand where they are going, but fools deceive themselves. 

O:  Prudent =  having or showing careful good judgement. Fool = A stupid or silly person. 

A:  Sometimes I just need to define things and really see in black and white what things mean. I know there are times I'm a fool but I hope that as I gain more and more knowledge of God's word I will become more prudent. When I think of who Xerxes turned to when he needed advice, he turned to man. How many times do I do that? I should always turn to God first. Ask him how to handle things first. I love this:
I really need to pay attention to this.

P:  Father thank you for always being here for me. Forgive me for not coming to you first with all my situations. Thank you for giving me a new day to try again. Draw me ever close to you that you would be the friend I want to run to with everything before anyone else. I love you. ~Amen

Have a beautiful day.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 1 - Day 3

Reading Esther 1:9-12

S:  Proverbs 12:16  A fool is quick-tempered, but a wise person stays calm when insulted.

O: Fool=quick tempered  Wise=calm

A:  Oh how often I am so quick to say and do things.  I don't take the time to stop and think things through and consider all aspects of the situation.  Yet I think of the times when I am calm and wait and realize what I was overlooking in being quick tempered.  One of the things I continually need to gain from my time with God and his word is to stop and wait and listen to what he has to say to me.  There are times when I don't want to hear his voice because I am a selfish child and want what I want when I want it.

P:  Father help me to stay calm.  Help me to hear your wisdom.  Let me not be quick tempered.  Being quick tempered causes hurt and steals joy.  I want to share you and your love with others and staying calm and sharing your word is the best way to do just that.  Put your word in my heart and mind that I would always be mindful of you and what you would do in any situation.  I don't want to be a fool. ~Amen

Monday, September 1, 2014

Love God Greatly ~ Esther Study - Week 1 - Day 1

Reading Esther 1:1-4

S: Matthew 6:19-21"Don't store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal.  Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.  Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.

O:  Store your treasures in heaven.  Your heart will also be.

A:  It is so hard to go against the world.  People want things and more things and people think things make you happy and sometimes they do.  And when we let that happen, satan uses those moments to lure us in.  He makes 'things' look so good to us and we want more and more.  I love being in the word and hearing God speak to me and tell me that this world is not my home and that nothing here will make me happy.  The only thing worth striving for is heaven and sharing as much as possible with others about Jesus and his love for us that they will want to be there, too.

P:  Father, forgive me for loving things of this world and wanting to store things up here.  Nothing on this earth will ever fulfill the desires of my heart as much as you.  Present to me the opportunities of this day to share your love and goodwill to those I come in contact with.  Help me to be a witness for your kingdom so they will want a life in eternity with you.  I ask these things in your Son's precious name.  ~Amen

Please pray for our living arrangements.  I know God has a plan.  I need to trust His plan and stop beating myself up.   I have some dark thoughts going on inside myself and I don't like where these thoughts take me. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

GMG ~ Interim Study - Ecclesiastes

Reading Ecclesiastes 5:12-20

S:  Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 NIV This is what I have observed to be good:  that it is appropriate for a person to eat, to drink and to find satisfaction in their toilsome labor under the sun during the few days of life God has given them - for this is their lot.  Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil - this is a gift of God.  They seldom reflect on the days of their life, because God keeps them occupied with gladness of heart.

O:  Eat, drink and be satisfied with your work.  God gives us the gifts we need.  Be happy and content.  Stay busy doing the work we are called to do and be happy to do it. 

A:  I feel like all I do sometimes is grumble grumble grumble, although I always SAY my motto is to move forward, we can't change the passed.  I need to constantly remind myself what I am here for.  If it isn't for Christ, I am nothing and have nothing.  God sustains me every day.  He feeds my soul and body.  If I reflect on what he gives me in my labor, I will be glad and content and so occupied I won't have time for the grumbling.  Ahhhhhh!!

P:  Father, I praise you for these words.  You are feeding my soul and I love you so much for giving me the food I need in your word.  Forgive me for my grumbling.  I don't deserve the gifts you provide for me, but you provide anyway, abundantly!!  Thank you.  ~Amen

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

GMG ~ Leadership Mentoring Group - Week 1 - Day 3

S:  Matthew 23:8-10 and 11-12 The Message:  "Don't let people do that to you, put you on a pedestal like that.  You all have a single Teacher, and you are all classmates.  Don't set people up as experts over your life, letting them tell you what to do.  Save that authority for God; let him tell you what to do.  No one else should carry the title of 'Father'; you only have one Father, and he's in heaven.  And don't let people maneuver you into taking charge of them.  There is only one Life-Leader for you and them - Christ.
O:  Teacher.  One Father.  Life-Leader.  Christ.

A:  I love that we aren't to let others boss us around.  I love that we have The One and Only Teacher.  I even love more that we are all classmates.  Takes me back to being a child in elementary school.  It's a really cool idea of thinking all of us Girls sitting in a classroom, the leader included and Jesus sweeping around the classroom with chalk in hand teaching us His Word.  I am sitting here with a huge smile on my face imagining this.  No one of us is better than the other.  We can sit and study together and help each other along and when things get tough we go to the School Master and ask for his guidance.  Wow!

P:  Father thank you for this illustration you put in my mind of something so simple and so elementary to really hit the point and have this scripture mean so much.  We are in this together.  We can't go wrong with you as our Leader.  Thank you for these women.  I am learning so much from them.  The insights that you give to them joined together make your word so vivid.  Thank you, Father.  Thank you so much. ~Amen

Life happens. How do you, or will you, handle it if you are unexpectedly unable to post in your group?

Amy and I email each other.  Sometimes we make a schedule, she takes M W and F and I take T and T. 

How can prayer be helpful in leading? can it not!!?? :o)  But quite honestly, I am lacking in that area and when I read what Veronica sent out, I was humbled by it.  I have been really focusing on prayer and not saying 'hey I will be praying for you'  I just stop and do it right then and there.  It may only take a moment but it's better than forgetting later and just being lip service.  Say what you mean and mean what you say.

GMG ~ Interim Study - Ecclesiastes

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

GMG ~ Leadership Mentoring Group - Week 1 - Day 2

Reading:  Philippians 2:1-5
S:  Philippians 2:1-5  Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ?  Any comfort from his love?  Any fellowship together in the Spirit?  Are your hearts tender and compassionate?  Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose.

Don't be selfish; don't try to impress others.  Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.  Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.

You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.

O:  You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.

A:  Am I encouraging?  Do I comfort in Love? Do I fellowship in the Spirit?  Is my heart tender and compassionate?  Do I make God truly happy?  Do I love?  Do I work together with one mind and purpose?  OR Am I selfish?  Do I try to impress others?  Am I humble or puff myself up to make me look better than my sister/brother?  Do I put myself before others?  Is this the attitude of Christ? 

This makes me think of JOY = J/Jesus FIRST  O/Others AFTER JESUS-BEFORE MYSELF Y/You (me) LAST.  If I only lived my life this way all the time.  I want to make Jesus smile.  I want nothing more than for him to say well done, good and faithful servant.  I am so thankful for being part of this group.  Thankful for his prodding me to not give up.  I need to be a better servant to further his kingdom even if it is just one.

P:  Father, I praise you!!  Thank you for giving me the desire to chase after you.  I don't want what this world has to offer.  I want eternity.  Help me to be a light unto the path of others who need to see you.  There are many in this dark world.  I am humbled by your calling.  ~Amen

Discussion Questions:
Do you prepare your SOAP in advance or work along with your group? Why?

I don't prepare in advance unless I know I have a conflicting issue.  I like working along with the group but most importantly God has put it on my heart that what I am to read for that particular day is what he would have me to study for that day.  If I jump ahead, it may not make sense to me because it wasn't what He chose for me.  I hope that makes sense.

How many members do you have in your group(s)?  What size fits you best, and why?

Since I have not lead a group on my own, I am not sure how our group size was determined.  I will have to ask Amy.  But I prefer a smaller group because we can be more intimate and not lose track of prayer requests.  Also to be more organized.  A large group kinda scares me right now but perhaps after leading I would be okay with it.  The downside of a small group is lack of participation and like someone else said hearing the sound of crickets in your group if you are the only one posting your SOAP.

GMG ~ Interim Study - Ecclesiastes

GMG ~ Leadership Mentoring Group - Week 1 - Day 1

Reading Mark 10:42-45

S:  So Jesus called them together and said, "You know that the rulers in this world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them.  But among you it will be different.  Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be the first among you must be the slave of everyone else.  For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ranson for many."

O:  Among you it will be different. Not to be served but to serve others.

A:  I love how he says it will be different among us.  And it should be.  We are a reflection of Christ.  How is my whiney, complaining, angry attitude a reflection of Christ.  I am not showing any ounce of how He would be handling this time of my life.  I was standing on my patio this morning praying and thinking of how my feet felt on the cold concrete and how the tiniest pebble was uncomfortable on the underside of my foot.  He endured pain I cannot even imagine.  He is the perfect example of what I need to strive for.  I need to be patient and understanding and serve others in a way that shows who I am in Christ.  I love people and love to serve.  I need to remember that when I am struggling.  I need to realize the battle I am facing is one that others have faced and they may be facing a much larger struggle than mine.

P:  Father, I come before you this morning asking for forgiveness.  I ask that you please show me that you have this.  Get me out of your way.  Help me let go of the reigns.  I love you Father and thank you so much for giving me the desire to be your child.  Being yours is so comforting and knowing you love me unconditionally and without giving me any kind of guilt trip.  I love that I have that in you.  You know right where I am and know what my heart is feeling and what is going on in my mind.  I love that I can keep nothing hidden from you.  Today, I choose to let go and let You.  ~Amen

Discussion Questions:

What are your biggest challenges when leading a GMG group? 

I have only been a co-leader.  I think the biggest challenge is keeping women involved.  Sometimes I think women are afraid to put anything down for fear it won't be what the group is getting.  I remember my first time being involved in a GMG group thinking what if I am way off base?  And what if people think I am looney tunes? :)  But then I heard God tell me, 'This is what I want you to hear, today, and you may bless someone else with sharing your heart.  So I think the challenge is helping other women feel comfortable and normal in sharing and feeling loved and safe and able to share what is on their heart.

How do you lead and still come across as humble? What are some strategies? 

The definition of humble is having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance...So I believe it's being REAL and understanding what others are going through and knowing we all serve the same God and no matter where we are in life, we can all lift each other before the same almighty Father and love as he first loved us.

Prayer Request:  Please pray for our moving situation.  We are still sitting with no answers.  It is so hard to wait.  I know God is in control.  I am a planner and have my life planned around this move and specific dates so that makes being patient even harder.  I feel like a spoiled rotten whiney child because I am not getting my own way.  I need forgiveness.

Friday, August 1, 2014

GMG ~ Interim Study - Ecclesiastes

Reading Ecclesiastes 3:12-22

S:  Ecclesiastes 3:14 And I know that whatever God does is final. Nothing can be added to it or taken from it. God’s purpose is that people should fear him. 

O:  Final. Nothing added or taken. God's purpose - fear Him. 

A:  This is refreshing to my soul especially in this season of my life. Nothing I do in this earthly flesh can change God's plan. His way is the only way. His way is final. I can't do one thing to add or take away from what pieces of my puzzle he plans to put in place. And the best part is - it's for his purpose, his greater good. Wow!

P:  Father forgive me. I am humbled by your plan. You know what is best and you have your time-table. Forgive me for getting in your way. I trust in you and fear you. I want to be obedient. I know I am not. Guide me by your rod and put me on the path that you are leading me. I ask in Jesus precious name. ~Amen

FFF: I lift Sharon today as she spends time with her family and sons. Let her be a beacon of God's love and truth. Help her to be a witness unto Him to bring others to His throne. Be with each of the family members as they spend time together. Let them enjoy the time they spend together making memories to last a lifetime until they are brought together again. 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

GMG ~ Interim Study - Ecclesiastes

Reading Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

S:  Ecclesiastes 3:11 Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end. 

O:  Made everything beautiful for its own time. Planted eternity in the human heart. Cannot see the whole picture. 

A:  God has a perfect plan for our lives. We cannot see the whole picture here. I love to do jigsaw puzzles and one day it stuck me shortly after my sister passed away that our lives are like these puzzles. We see pieces fitting into place as we travel the path of our lives. A piece here, an edge there. Our Master finishes our puzzle in heaven when He puts that last piece into place when we reach eternity and we see our entire life puzzle put together and finally understand His good and perfect plan. Ah, I cannot wait. 

P:  Father, you are awesome. Thank you for this scripture this morning. You know what we need and when we need to hear it. I'm glad you are the one putting my puzzle pieces into place. I don't understand here in my flesh. Sometimes I'm angry, hurt and don't understand. But you will reveal all to me when I stand before you. Please allow me to be your chosen child so I will be able to enter your kingdom on my final day on this earth. Allow my life to be one that is pleasing to you. In Jesus precious name.  ~Amen

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

GMG~ Interim Study - Ecclesiastes

Reading Ecclesiastes 2:29-26

S:  Ecclesiastes 2:25 For who can eat or enjoy anything apart from him? 

O:  Who can enjoy anything apart from him?

A:  This makes me think of all the times I've said the old saying 'the rich get richer and the poor get poorer'. What a terrible thought in light of this passage. The rich may get richer and enjoy the things they have, but apart from Christ they have nothing. Even in poverty and strife, with Christ you are rich. It's not the things of this world that make us rich. It's our storehouse in heaven that makes us rich. It's the crowns we are gathering to throw at His feet. 

P:  Father forgive me for worshiping idols of this world. My sinful nature attracts me to those things. Give me the desire to do your work only to bring honor and glory to you and to give all the credit to you. ~Amen

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

GMG ~ Interim Study - Ecclesiastes 2:1-19

Reading Ecclesiastes 2:1-19

S:  Ecclesiastes 2:14 For the wise can see where they are going, but fools walk in the dark.” Yet I saw that the wise and the foolish share the same fate. 

O:  See. 

A:  This sounds so desperate.  I thank God he has given us his plan to not walk in darkness but to walk in light. I thank God we don't have the same fate as those who walk in darkness. 

P:  Father thank you for your light. Thank you for not allowing me to walk around wondering in darkness. Help me to see and follow your path laid out before me. ~Amen

Monday, July 28, 2014

GMG ~ Interim Study - Ecclesiastes 1:1-18

Reading Ecclesiastes 1:1-18 

S: Ecclesiastes 1:4-8 Generations come and generations go, but the earth never changes. The sun rises and the sun sets, then hurries around to rise again. The wind blows south, and then turns north. Around and around it goes, blowing in circles. Rivers run into the sea, but the sea is never full. Then the water returns again to the rivers and flows out again to the sea. Everything is wearisome beyond description. No matter how much we see, we are never satisfied. No matter how much we hear, we are not content. 

O:  Never changes. Never satisfied. Not content. 

A:  I never studied this book before and I'm excited to see what He has to show me. Already these verses strike a cord with this season if my life. As I was praying for what he wanted to show me today I realized there is nothing in this world that will every satify my soul as much as my desire to learn more from his word and what he wants from my life while I am here. Not the love of my parents, husband, children, friends or pets. Not the house or car of my dreams. Not a fulfilling job. No material thing. NOthing will ever be enough. This world cannot fill the void. There is only one savior that can fill me up and that is Jesus. 

P:  Father as we begin this new study in your word and this new group of women, I pray you will open our hearts and minds to what you would have each of us hear. Let us share what you put on our hearts without hesitation so we can learn and grow with each other. Thank you for your word this morning and guiding me right where you would have me. Please give me the nudging throughout today and each day that this world is not my home. Give me the desire to follow you. Give me the heart to love others and show them there is an eternity with you in heaven and no matter what this world puts in our way, there is something so much better; something we can't even imagine with you in eternity. ~Amen

Friday, July 25, 2014

GMG ~ You are Loved Study - Week 8 - Day 5

S:  Leviticus 19:18 Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against a fellow Israelite, but love your neighbor as yourself.  I am The Lord. 

O:  No revenge. No grudges. Just LOVE.

A:  I sure have a lot of work to do. Praise God he gives me the desire to follow him and gives me his word to continue to learn and grow. Praise God, I am loved. 

P:  Father thank you for showing me I am loved - unconditionally - without guilt.  Thank you for giving me the desire to follow you. Help me share your love with the lost. Help me show them there is eternal life. Help me to let them feel your love. This world is filled with darkness. Let me be your light. Thank you for these eight weeks of sharing with these beautiful women. Thank you for allowing me to be part of their lives. Thank you for hearing our prayers.  Continue to be with each one right where they are. I especially ask that you be with Amy. She has been a blessing even in her trials she continued to lead us for Your glory. Praise you Jesus. ~Amen

Thursday, July 24, 2014

GMG ~ You are Loved Study - Week 8 - Day 4

S: 1Corinthians 13:13 Three things will last forever -  faith, hope, and love - and the greatest of these is love. 

O:  Greatest is love. 

A:  This study has really taught me I am loved unconditionally by my Creator. But most of all how much more I can love others. It is the most important thing I can do each and every moment of every day. Even if it's by a simple prayer whispered for someone. 

P:  Father, thank you for loving me. Thank you for giving me the desire to love others. Help me to show your love to all. Who am I to choose who to love and not love. When I think of the sacrifice you gave, there is no excuse for me not to love as you have. Father forgive me for not loving others as you have asked. Please live in me and guide me to do your will. In Jesus precious name I pray. ~Amen

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

GMG ~ You are Loved Study - Week 8 - Day - 2

S:  1Corinthians 13:1-3 If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.  If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing.  If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing.

O:  Without love=Nothing

A:  I can do many things. I can enjoy many things. But if I don't do it for the right reasons and without love in my heart it means absolutely nothing. God is love. Therefore, if I want to please Him, I must do all that I do with love. No grumbling. No complaining. No eye rolling. Only with love.  I have a lot of work to do. 

P:  Father, I am humbled by your word. I do a lot of things without love in my heart. I'm not a mean person. You know me inside and out but there are many areas in my life that I am not a good witness of your love. Direct my path that I many show your love to others in ways I have never done before. ~Amen 

Monday, July 21, 2014

GMG ~ You Are Loved Study Week 8 - Day - 1

S:  Matthew 22:37-38 Jesus replied, "You must love The Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. 

O:  Must love. Heart. Soul. Mind. Greatest commandment. 

A:  This sums up our entire study. We must love because he first loved us. I would tend to say its easy for him but not so easy for us in our human nature. But my goodness. When I look at me, I'm not so easy to love. I need to remember when I stand in judgment of others and I'm not loving someone, what it must be like to love me. I'm a mess and he loves me anyway. He sent his son to die in place of me and my wretchedness.  I need to love him will my entire being and when I do this I will want to please him with my entire being. 

P:  Lord Jesus, thank you for loving me. Thank you for giving me the desire to love you and be your child. I am so thankful I am not lost. I'm so thankful you chose me. I love you and want to love you more. I need to be obedient to you. Help me in situations where I become ugly and unloving. Prod me back to being your loving child. 

Father, I lift Amy and her husband to you. Heal him Father. Give the doctors and people who care for him the discernment to know what he needs to get well. Be with Amy as she waits. Comfort her and give her peace. Let her feel your loving arms around them as a family knowing you are the Healer. In Jesus precious name. ~ Amen