Friday, January 23, 2015

LGG ~ Made for Community - Week 2 - Friday

Reading Luke 6:27-36.
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S:  Luke 6:35 Love your enemies! Do good to them.  Lend to them without expecting to be repaid.  Then your reward from heaven will be very great, and you will truly be acting as children of the Most High, for he is kind to those who are unthankful and wicked.

O:  LOVE. That's all. 

A:  Let me tell you there are people I've encountered who I don't love and even have a hard time even looking their direction because they are so evil. But I'm to love them anyway. Boy oh boy do I have some work today. This community stuff is plain hard. When you step outside your little comfortable circle sometimes it's hard to love and give. I need to keep remembering what a wicked, unworthy soul I am and He loves me anyway. 

P:  Father help me. You know where I struggle. I need more love. Less judgement. Give me blinders when I am seeing something in someone I don't like. Let me love them anyway. Give me strength to want to help those in need. Give me courage to step out of my comfort zone. ~Amen. 

Have a great weekend Sisters. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

LGG ~ Made for Community - Week 2 - Thursday

Good morning~

Thankful Thursday.  What are you thankful for?  I am thankful for an encouraging boss and co-workers.  I am really struggling with my new job.  It is just plain hard.  Either that or I am just having a really hard time learning something new.  I have been having terrible anxiety attacks and cry daily due to the stress of this job.  But my boss takes time every day to check on me and see if I need anything.  My co-workers are right beside me helping me through the training process.  I pray I am cut out for this position, because I am very thankful to have such a job with wonderful support system.

Please share what you are thankful for.

Reading and SOAP verse is Proverbs 27:17

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S:  Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.

O:  Sharpen.

A:  Of course this would make me think of a dull knife.  My husband doesn't allow me to use knives often.  I always cut myself.  Last night, while preparing my lunch for today, I was chopping almonds for my salad, (after he went to bed, of course) the knife I was using flew out of my hand and fell back on my knuckle cutting me.  Now had I sharpened that knife, we would have been making our way to the ER for stitches.  Thankfully it didn't.  So my analogy is this.  How good is a dull knife?  I mean if I had sharpened the knife it would have cut the almonds through.  (yes, I may still have cut myself) but if the knife was sharp, it would have done it's job much better. (cutting the almonds, not me)  So as a friend, I can be better and can be bettered by a friend by standing by each other.  Helping each other with God's words, God's commands.  Guiding with love. Pointing out things that I may need to change in my life.  Making me better for Christ.  Sometimes it even hurts.  Like Linda said earlier this week.  I was very touched by her opening up her heart and sharing that very personal story.  That is what this group is all about.  We can sharpen one another.  It makes us think and dig deep into ourselves based on the word and truth of God.

P:  Father, thank you for this group of women who openly share their hearts and lives with each other.  Thank you for giving us your word to know what we need to do to be better at being your children.  Sometimes it hurts to be pruned of the bad branches, but when we look at the fruit we bear after the pruning, it becomes clear.  Sometimes it takes a while.  I know I am thick headed at times and want things my way and I am not willing to give up my selfish ways.  But your way is always better than mine.  Show me the way.  Father I also want to thank you for providing a job for Debbie.  She is such a good woman, wonderful mother and follows you.  Thank you for allowing her the desires of her heart.  Be with her as she embarks this new position and the changes that come with it.  Be with the boys.  Let them be a help to her as this transition takes place.  There will be bumps, but with you as the Head of their household, they will be just fine.  In Jesus precious name.  ~Amen

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

LGG ~ Made for Community - Week 2 - Wednesday

Good morning,

Today's reading is Ecclesiastes 4:7-12.

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S:  Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.  If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.

O:  Two are better than one.  Help each other.  Alone in trouble.

A:  This made me think of the other week when it was icy.  I was a nervous wreck.  My first experience with ice in NC.  I had heard stories about it and the talk was crazy the days leading up to the storm.  The year before I saw  firsthand the aftermath of destruction while visiting the area after a great ice storm.  It wasn't pretty.  So anyway, I started off the drive thinking this isn't so bad. I watched the cars inch along.  I saw TEN accidents on my drive that morning, but thought it wasn't so bad.  Then I parked my car in the parking garage and started my mile or so walk to the office.  I didn't see many people that morning and after having looked for my co-worker, I was on my own walking.  I am petrified of falling and breaking a bone, so I took it slow.  I asked the first person walking toward me how is was?  She said it was slick  and to be careful, however she hadn't been on campus (where I was headed).  The second person I saw approached me and said be careful! It is very icy over there.  Pointing RIGHT  to where I was walking.  I looked and saw no one in the direction I was heading.  Not a soul to buddy up with and walk together.  So I turned myself around after walking about a block or so and got back in my car to park closer to the building and risk a hefty parking fine.  All this to say, if I had someone to walk with me, I would have gone the distance.  I imagined myself falling and laying on the sidewalk and waiting for help.  I just didn't want to risk it alone.  I would have if I had someone with me to help me or me to help them.  

P:  Father, thank you for always being beside me.  Thank you for your holy spirit who gives me understand and nudges to know right from wrong.  Thank you for giving me your word to turn to when I am struggling to know what is right and wrong.  The answer is always there.  I only need to search and I will find it.  You have given me direction, I only need to follow and trust you.  Be with each of us as we walk this journey.  Thank you for giving us each other to lean on and share with and turn to.  You know our every need before we even know what to ask.  Let us hear your voice.  Let us understand what you are telling us.  Bind us together.  Let us keep our eyes fixed on you.  ~Amen.

Pray without ceasing.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

LGG ~ Made for Community - Week 2 - Tuesday

Good Morning~

Back to my regular routine for a few days.  I do apologize again for being late yesterday.

Here is the Weekly Challenge for Week 2:  

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And today's reading is from Romans 15:1-7.

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S:  Romans 15:7 Therefore, accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory.


A:  I need to be accepting of others. PERIOD.  God accepted me the way I am.  Full of sin.  In my filth.  He washed me clean.  How then can I ever judge a single person?  How can I ever not accept anyone in the state they are in?  I need to be careful of this.  Accept and love just as He who has done this for me even though I do not deserve it.  

P:  Father, thank you for accepting me just as I am.  Thank you for sending your son to cleanse me, to save me from my wretchedness.  Help me to see in others what you see in me.  Forgive me for the times I have thought myself better than others.  Forgive me for not taking opportunities given to me to share you.  ~Amen

Be blessed and a blessing.

Monday, January 19, 2015

LGG ~ Made for Community - Week 2 - Monday

Good Morning~

Sorry I am late.  I did not forget about sending this.  I have been enjoying the morning sleeping in, relaxing and getting a few things done.  I hope you all had a lovely weekend.  It was a gorgeous weekend here.  Mid 50's and sunny for a change.

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Reading today Philippians 2:1-11

S: Philippians 2:3-5  Don't be selfish; don't try to impress others.  Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.  Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.  You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.

O:  Think of and put others before myself.

A:  This reminds me of JOY ---- 
  1. Jesus first
  2. Others second
  3. Yourself last
I know I have shared this before, but this verse always reminds me to get my 'house' in order.  It is so easy to become self absorbed.  So worried about yourself and focus on things in your own life that you forget to look around you.  I know when I put others first, how much better I feel about myself and starting my day with Jesus, being in the Word makes it even better.  When I don't do this, my day is just off to a bad start and isn't as good as it can be.

P:  Father, thank you for the reminder.  Thank you for humbling me and showing me how you bless me the most.  Let me always put you and others before myself.  Please put people in my path this week who need to know you, people for me to share you with.  In Jesus' name I pray.  ~Amen

Have  beautiful day.

Friday, January 16, 2015

LGG ~ Made for Community - Week 1 - Friday

Happy Friday~

Friday used to be my favorite day of the week because Jeff would be on his way home.  It is still my favorite day of the week because he IS home!!  

For the next few weeks, we will call today Fun Fact Friday.  Share a fun fact about yourself.  

So something fun about me, that most of you already know is, I am a huge Disney fan.  I love Mickey Mouse most of all.  As a matter of fact, a week from today, Jeff and I will be on our way there to spend a long weekend together.  We can't wait.  We have been on a whirlwind trip since August.  It will be nice for just the two of us to spend some alone time in our happy place.  

Take a minute to tell us something fun about yourself!!

Reading for today is John 13:4-17

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S:  John 13:14-15  And since I, your Lord and Teacher have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other's feet.  I have given you an example to follow.  Do as I have done to you.

O:  He is our example.  Do as he has done.

A:  Sometimes I feel like I am like Peter.  Do I get it?  Do I miss the point?  But as long as I stay in his word and study his word, I will keep learning what he means.  I need to make him be the example I should be following.  There are so many distractions in this world.  Satan will use so many shiny things to get our attention.  I need to pay attention to the things God is using to get my attention and focus on them instead.  

P:  Father, give me the discernment to 'get it', to know the difference in the distractions in my life.  Help me to be an example of you.  Let me be a servant to others.  Let me not be afraid to get my hands dirty to do your work.  Let me not turn my nose up to anyone whom I may feel is not worthy.  I am not the judge.  Just give me opportunities.  In Jesus' name I pray.  ~Amen

How is everyone doing after week one?  It's been great to hear from most of you but we still haven't heard from some of you.  Please feel free to send me a private email, text, FB message, phone call or whatever works for you to let me know if I can help you in any way.  I am here for you.  If this is too much, let me know and I will be happy to find a way that works best for you.  

I am hoping to have a little gathering for the NC gals this weekend to help clear up any questions.  ALL are welcome, even my PA peeps.  Would love any visitors, any time!!  We will most likely be meeting Saturday morning.  Time and place to be determined later today.

Have a beautiful weekend Ladies.  

Thursday, January 15, 2015

LGG ~ Made for Community - Week 1 - Thursday

Today is thankful Thursday.  What are you thankful for?  Besides coffee, I am thankful for Jason.  He is training Lucy.  He even came for her session last night with a migraine.  She is doing much better.  I need an obedient pup.  

There are days when I sit an stare at the verses and wonder what it is He means.  Take those opportunities to pray about it.  He will show you.  Maybe not for a little while, but one day you will pick it up and it will be like a bright light bulb.  It is also okay not to share your SOAP.  LLG's leader, Angela Perritt, told us leaders her group does not share their SOAP daily.  They have their group set up different than ours

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Reading John 15:1-5

S:  John 15:5  Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches.  Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit.  For apart from me you can do nothing.

O:  I can do NO thing without Him. 

A:  I am part of Him.  He is part of me.  As long as I am in his word and staying in communion with him, I will be/am successful.  I don't mean successful by the world's standards.  Successful in my walk with Him.   I always loved this analogy "I can do NO-thing without Jesus"

P:  Father, thank you for intertwining me in your vine.  I love closing my eyes and visualizing you twisting and wrapping yourself in and through my life so securely that I can't imagine us ever being able to part.  Continue to wrap yourself so tightly around me that you squeeze off the bad parts and infuse even more of you into me.  I only want to please you.  Give me your heart so that I may show others in my daily walk how much I depend on you that they will want to walk with you, too.  ~Amen

Have a beautiful day Ladies.  Share with someone what you are thankful for.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

LGG ~ Made for Community - Week 1 - Wednesday

Today I get to experience my very first ice issue living in the south.  Being from Central PA, weather travel was really an every day thing in the winter, but ice is always scary.  At least in PA we usually had some snow that helped to get some traction.  Here not so much.  It is just plain ice.  So we shall see how it goes this morning.  Kaylee's school was put on delay yesterday.  I am still waiting to hear from Duke.  Everyone be careful out there.  My friend's husband is out there prepping the roads for all us NC people to be able to travel today.  Please pray for safety. 

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Reading for today is Ephesians 3:14-21.

S: Ephesians 3:18-19NLT And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully.  Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

O:  Understand how BIG his love is.  Experience his love.  Be made complete.

A:  I don't think it is humanly possible to realize His love for us.  When I consider what is written here, I think of how deep the ocean is.  How high the heavens are. How far it is from here to eternity.  It seems impossible to imagine the height, width and depth, but that is how much he loves me.  I think of giving up one of my children and can't even imagine that, but that is what he did for me.  I won't fully understand that love in this life, but to think of it while I am here in this flesh, in this earthly body, I stand in awe of his love.  It makes me want to share it even more.  

P:  Father, I stand in awe of your love for me.  Today, I will simply thank you.  I will not say I am undeserving.  You have given this love to me as a free gift.  I accept your love.  Let me bask in your love today and always.  Let me share you with others around me.  Help me see your love in all things.  When I am stressed and frustrated, let me realize these situations are minor in comparison to other things going on in this world.  Let me not lose sight of the many wonderful blessings you provide for me constantly.  I have no right to not be satisfied in everything.  Be with each of the women in this study.  Help us.  Open our hearts and minds.  Let us feel your loving arms around us.  Comfort us right where we are.  Feed us with your love.  Give us your words.  Fill us with what we need right now where we are.  We need you every moment.  We are all experiencing something and you know what it is.  I ask that you fill that need with the one and only thing that can help and that is Jesus. I ask this in his precious and powerful name.  ~Amen

Be blessed and a blessing,

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

LGG ~ Made for Community - Week 1 - Tuesday

S: John 14:18 No, I will not abandon you as orphans - I will come to you.  23 Jesus replied, "All who love me will do what I say.  My Father will love them, and we will come and make our home with each of them.

O:  Not abandon. Come to me.  Make us His home.

A: God has given the Holy Spirit to live inside me.  He promises to never leave me.  I do love Him and try to do what He asks of me.  Even though I fall every day, He still lives in me.  I need to keep moving forward.  Keep living in his word and doing what he asks.  There is no IF to this.  He abides in me.  There are no conditions to his love.  He loves me and lives in me.

P:  Father thank you for your love.  Thank you for making your home within me.  I am not worthy of your love on my own accord, but you sent your Son to cleanse me with his blood.  You sent your Holy Spirit to live inside of me.  I will continue to move forward and do my best in this body you have given me.  I ask forgiveness for my sins.  Help me be a light in this dark world.  Let me be your hands and feet.  In Jesus' name I pray.  ~Amen

Monday, January 12, 2015

LGG ~ Made for Community - Week One - Monday

Good morning and welcome to our study.

Our week ahead looks like this:
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This is our Memory verse for week one:

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Today's SOAP verse is:

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Read Genesis 1:27 and Ephesians 2:1-10

S:  Ephesians 2:6-7 NLT For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavily realms because we are united with Christ Jesus. So God can point to us in all future ages as examples of the incredible wealth of his grace and kindness toward us, as shown in all he has done for us who are untied with Christ Jesus.

O:  Raised us up with Christ.  We are examples to the world what He can do for others.

A:  I really need to do better at this.  God in his grace and mercy has saved me, not by anything I have done or deserve.  I need to be a better example of being his child so that others may come to know Him through me.  If I continue to walk around grumbling, how is that being a good example?  If I continue to conduct myself in a way that would cause others to think or see me as a hypocrite, how is that showing others Christ in my life?

P:  Father, I come before you humbled. I am a sinner washed by your Son's blood.  I know I am human and will continue to stumble.  Help me to learn from these stumbling blocks.  Help me to be a better example of your love in this life you have given me to walk.  Let others see you in me.  

Be with each woman in this new group as we begin our new study.  Lay your word on our hearts.  Feed us.  Mold us.  Make us a community that will serve you with grace and show others what you can be for them.  Give us strength when we are weak.  Give us joy in our triumphs.  Carry us when we can't walk.  Let us support one another and lift each other up.  I ask these things in your precious son's name.  ~Amen

This week's weekly challenge is:

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How can we pray for you this week? 

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Please pray for the LGG team and women around the world starting this study today.  Please pray we would all make an impact on our communities around the world that we would all be a light in this world for Jesus.  We all need Jesus.

Be blessed and a blessing.