Friday, January 31, 2014

GMG Intentionally Focused Study Week 2 Day 5

Psalm 63:3-5

S:  Your unfailing love is better than life itself; how I will praise you. I will praise you as long as I live, lifting up my hands to you in prayer. You satisfy me more than the richest feast. I will praise you with songs of joy. 

O:  Unfailing love, without error, reliable, constant
Satisfy, meet the expectations, needs or desires of. Fulfill, provide, adequately meet or comply. 
Richest, plentiful, abundant, valuable. 

A:  There is nothing in my life worth more than God's PERFECT love. I need to praise Him with all my being for all he has done for me. Praise him for everything. Big and small. Good and bad. All day long. The more I meditate on the gifts he bestows on me, the more I will be able to be his witness for others to see how great our God is.  

P:  How great your love is for me, Father!  Unfailing. I know you are there no matter what. In all areas of my life, you never leave me. Never let me down. I will sing of your love forever. Through all the stuff this life throws at me and even though here are times I've been angry over things, I know you love me anyway. Thank you for bringing me through the tough times. I still don't understand but I know you have never left me.  Be with each of these girls as they go throughout this weekend. Give them health, understanding, wisdom and the ability to praise you in all of what comes our direction. 


Thursday, January 30, 2014

GMG Intentionally Focused Study Week 2 Day 4

Hebrews 4:12 

S:  For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitude of the heart. 

O:  Alive and powerful, operative, energizing, effective, quick, penetrating. 
Sharper than the sharpest. 
Judges, exposes innermost thoughts and desires. Purposes of the heart. 
Sifting and analyzing. 
Discerned of thoughts and intents if the heart. 

A:  This is certainly convicting. It makes me realize that God knows my inner most being. No hiding anything. Not even a thought. My deepest most secret thoughts. He knows them all. 

P:  Father thank your for your conviction. Thank you for your forgiveness. I ask you to forgive me for the same sins over and over and you know it even before I commit the sin.  We all have our favorite sins. Those ones that we don't think are 'that bad in comparison....' yet they are sins. I am so sorry Father and ask for your strength and guidance. Send your Holy Spirit to me in those times when I am too blinded by my flesh to even realizing that I'm sinning.  In Jesus' precious name. 


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

GMG Intentionally Focused Study Week 2 day 3

John 4:13-14

S:  Jesus replied, "Anyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again.  But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again.  It becomes a fresh bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life."

O: Bubbling=welling up=over flowing=continually=ARTESIAN
Water of the world is something that can be taken away.  Dried up.  Shut off.  Run out.  Jesus will never leave us.  Will continually fill us.  Never run out.  The Message describes the water Jesus gives as ARTESIAN: Wells made by boring into the earth till the instrument reaches water which from the internal pressure, flows spontaneously like a fountain.  They are usually small in diameter and often of great depth.

A:  This scripture again reminds me that this world is not my home.  That if I belong to the world my thirst will never be quenched.  As long as I am here in the flesh, I will always thirst and need water.  However, I can be filled with an everlasting, over flowing, life giving water.  A water that will quench my thirst for eternal life in Christ.  The Message describes this as ARTESIAN water.  (see definition above)  It reminds me of the verse in Matthew 19 where Jesus tells us it is easier for a camel to to through the eye of a needle than someone to enter the kingdom of God.  The artesian well is a small path of great depth and flows from an internal pressure.  I think of myself as digging deeper and deeper into God's word.  Continually digging into that life giving water, to quench my thirst.  Water that spontaneously flows because of internal pressure.  That pressure is my constant communion with God and His word and the Fountain is Jesus springing forth life giving water to quench this earthly desire of my thirst for Him.

P:  Father, thank you for this life giving water in your son Jesus Christ.  Thank you for loving me so much that you quench this thirst with your word.  Thank you for giving me your word so I can learn and follow you to this Fountain of water.  Thank you for your forgiveness and ever growing grace and allowing me to come to your well again and and again.


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

GMG Intentionally Focused Study Week 2 Day 2

John 15:5 NLT

S:  Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches.  Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit.  For apart from me you can do nothing.

O:  Remain=Abide=Join=Live   -   Produce=Bear (abundantly)   -   Apart=Without=Separated

A:  I used to think of fruit trees when I read this passage and think of being pruned and bearing fruit.  For some reason, I couldn't hear God's voice this morning.  So I stopped and prayed and asked for his guidance.  This is what He spoke to me today.  Today I saw the word VINE.  Jesus is the vine.  When I envision a vine in my mind, I see the intricacy of a vine and how it grows.  If the shoots stay tightly knit to the core of the vine they bear the fruit or flower.  If they shoot out away from the core of the vine they wither, die and break off.  It is so important to stay tightly knit and woven into Jesus and bear fruit for our inheritance with Him.

P:  Precious Father, Thank you for opening my heart and mind this morning to what exactly you wanted me to gain from this passage.  I love how you speak to me.  I am so grateful to hear your voice. Forever I wish to cling to the core of the vine, which is your son, Jesus Christ, tightly woven and ever bearing fruit for your glory and yours alone.


Monday, January 27, 2014

GMG Intentionally Focused Study Week 2 Day 1

Mark 1:35

S:  Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray.

O:  Before the day begins.  Alone.  In a private space.

A:  I need to continue to start my day with Him.  His word.  And our conversation.  Alone.  Quiet.  Devoted.

P:  Father be with me each day.  My prayer is that you keep this desire within me to spend time with you in your word and in communion with you.  Keep this fire burning, burning, burning in me.  I love you Lord.


GMG ~ Week Two - Let's Be Intentional

Week Two Challenge:  Open to Revelation Chapter 1 and read what John saw when he saw Jesus in all his glory.  When you close your eyes to pray - pause and imagine what John saw.  Then begin praying.  I believe it will change the power of your quiet times this week.

Week Two Memory verse:  John 15:5  I am the vine; your are the branches.  If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Week Two:  This week I'm going to be intentionally focused on:  My prayer time.

Your Spiritual Life  "God created us to walk with Him, to know Him, and to be loved by Him."  ~Courtney Joseph, Women Living Well


Saturday, January 25, 2014

GMG Week One ~ Focused Questions

1. Life is a marathon-not a sprint.  We are all in the race.  What are you willing to lay aside to be a more effective runner for God in your race?
  • Wasting time
  • Choose a better/healthier lifestyle
  • Stop complaining
2.) Compare Psalm 90:12 with Psalm 39: 4-5.  Life is short.  We need to not neglect the things that are truly important.  List out some things that are truly important.  Write out some small steps of how you can be more intentional in those areas this year.  Ask the Lord to confirm these areas and the steps you should take.

Psalm 90:12  -  Teach us to realize the brevity of life so that we may grow in wisdom.

Psalm 39:4-5  -  Lord remind me how brief my time on earth will be.  Remind me that my days are numbered how fleeting my life is.  You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand.   My entire lifetime is just a moment to you; at best each of us is but a breath.
  • Daily spending time in God's word
  • Prayer - Ask God to direct our path, realizing how short life is
  • Making better choices not just in my eating/lifestyle, but in all areas of my life.  Each small change makes a difference.
  • Sharing God's love by being a better example through learning His word
Father, guide my life.  Help me in my choices.  You have and continue to remind me how short life is.  When I look at my hand I am reminded every time.  Help me make the most of each breath you give me.  Forgive me for wasting precious time.  I love you.  ~Amen


The Lovely Ladies I am studying with......

What I have learned......

  • Amy Anderson  ~  is our leader.  She lives in Oklahoma and has been married to Doug for 13 years.  They don't have any children but have a spoiled rotten basset hound named Sophie.  She goes to bed early usually by 8:30 and sometimes by 7:30.  Believe it or not she hates to email people.
  • Christine Smith ~ She lives in Phoenix, Arizona and married for 8 years.  They do not have any children.  Once helped her husband with his junior high drama group.  Also owned a martial arts studio and ran it as Christians.  She is a sign language interpreter.  Has never colored her hair.  She is running in her first color run today.
  • Abigail Hawley ~ She lives in Dallas, Texas and originally from Des Moines, Iowa.  She has been married for two months.  They met at the University of Missouri.  She played college softball and he was a collegiate swimmer.  The don't have any children or pets.  She was born on leap year and works with disabled people through Disability Services in Dallas.
  • Laura Foltz-Boyd ~ She lives in North Carolina and is married to Brad for what will be five years in May.  They have a daughter who will be three in April and Laura will be thirty also in April.  They also have two dogs.
  • Shana Phillips ~ She lives in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and is married to Andrew for six years.  They have a three year old son, Brent and a shih-tzu, Jack.  She works full-time doing mammography and is also a consultant for Rodan+Fields Dermatologists.
  • Hailey Keith ~  She is 23 years old, her birthday is 5/11/1990 (that was Mother's Day).  She lives in Illinois and is married to David.  They met six years ago and were married on 7/20/2013.  They have a daughter Lydia who is seven years old.  She has two brothers.  All three of them were born on the 11th of different months.  She is a painter and has a passion for art.  Recently laid off, plans to start selling her art work on Etsy when she gets her tax return to purchase art supplies. 
  • Stephanie Anderson ~  She will be 25 years old next month and lives with her boyfriend in New Richmond, WI.  She has four brothers; three older and one younger.  She is the only girl.  She and her boyfriend have a sailboat and learned how to sail by reading "Sailboats for Dummies" which came with the sailboat.  She loves hunting, fishing, skiing and traveling.  She also plays adult soccer.  
  • Neph Pierre ~ She is 22 years old, of Haitian decent.  Miami born.  Graduated in December from FSU with a degree in IT.  She is moving to New Hampshire.  She just started driving and bought a car yesterday.
  • Heather Oldham ~  She lives in St. Louis, Missouri and is married to Noah for nine years.  They have three children; Alli is four, Chaim is two and Piper is ten months.  She is a stay at home mom.  They planted a church, August Gate four and a half years ago.
  • Laren Mahoney ~ She lives in Omaha, Nebraska and is 35 years old.  She is not married, doesn't have any children and just had a major career change after nearly a decade.  She is in Atmospheric Science (meteorology).  In other words a 'weather nerd'.  She is a teaching assistant.  
  • Monique Parish ~  She lives in Ohio and is married to Carlos for sixteen months.  They have two sons, Jamari is eight and Landon is four months.  She loves dolphins.
  • Colleen Schussman ~ She lives in Minnesota and is married to Jody for thirty four years.  They have four grown children, three of which are married and the last one just got engaged in December.  They have six grandchildren and one on the way.  They live on a cattle farm and had two new calves born this week.  They have 45 more to come!!
  • Dionne Palomino ~ She lives in Arizona and will be married for twenty years in June.  She has two daughters who are also doing this study.  She recently started a new fitness journey. Addicted to sugar free Popsicles. Has several every night before bed. 
  • Kendrie Mutart ~ She lives in Phoenix, Arizona and is married to Josh for seven and a half years.  They have two daughters, Laila who is five and 'Livia is four months.
  • Krishanna  ~   has two children
  • Hannah  ~
  • Christine O'Shea ~
  • Tasha Yepsen  ~
This is what I have learned from these lovely ladies so far.  I am sure over the coming weeks of this study, we will learn more and more about each other.  I will continue to hold them all close in prayer whether they share or not.   We are all sisters and worship the same loving Father.  I praise Him for each of them.


Friday, January 24, 2014

GMG Intentionally Focused Week 1 Day 5

Philippians 3:14

S:  I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.

O:  Press on=Run straight=On my way=Heavenward
Goal=The mark=Heaven=Jesus
Race=Life in Christ
Calling us=Off and running=Toward Heaven

A:  Keep on keepin on!  Stay on the path to which God is calling me.  FOCUS!  Don't veer to the left or to the right.  Keep running toward Jesus, the ultimate prize, which is eternal life with Him in heaven.

P:  Thank you for calling me.  Thank you for giving me a goal which is heaven.  Thank you for not letting this world be the end.  Thank you for my desire to want to run this race/life for the ultimate goal in your son Jesus.  What an awesome reward.  This race/life isn't easy, but is will certainly be worth it.
Thank you, Father.


Thursday, January 23, 2014

GMG Intentionally Focused Week 1 Day 4

Ephesians 5:15-16

S: So be careful how you live. Don't live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days.

O: Live intentionally, purposeful, worthy, accurately. Don't wast time on useless work. Live=Walk. Wise=Sensible, intelligent. The most=Best, good use. Fools=Ignorant, unwise, witless.

A: Stop wasting time with the unimportant things. Be sure to be about God's work first. Live purposeful and intentional for Him. I waste a lot of time. A LOT!!! I need to be more intentional. I have no excuses. This doesn't mean giving up all of my enjoyment (playing Wii. Reading. Trip planning. Etc.). But focus more on worthy things as a priority. It is easy to get trapped into the evil snares of these desperate times. I just need to make the best use of the time I have left here to do the important things and make them count.

P: Father, guide me. Push me. Help me to use my time wisely to be purposeful. Help me. Show me when I am being unwise and living like a fool. These are desperate times. I know when I feel your nudging. Help me recognize those pushes and get moving to do what I know I need to do. I also ask a blessing today on these women. Thank you for bringing us together to study your word and walk more closely with you. Be with each of us this day to live as wise women taking every opportunity to serve you.


GMG Intentionally Focused Week 1 Day 3

Hebrews 12:1

S: Therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

O: ~surrounded by witnesses ~let go of any sin that trips us ~ God is our medal at the end of the race=life

A: I need to realize I am not alone and chase after the goal which is eternal life in Christ. I need to let go of the sins that cause me to wander off the path heading to the goal.

P: Father, please help me and these ladies realize we are not alone in this race/life. Help us give up whatever it is that hinders us from chasing after our life of serving you and you alone.


GMG Intentionally Focused Week 1 Day 2

Psalm 90:12

S: Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

O: Make the most of each day. They are a gift. Spend time doing God's work so we can put His word on our hearts and minds.

A: Spending time in God's word and learning from my Father will help me to focus and learn what it is He is directing me to do.

P: Father, God, remind me how precious life is. Each day is a gift from you. Help me understand as I read and spend time with you in your word, what direction you are leading me.


GMG Intentionally Focused Study Week 1 Day 1

Ephesians 5:1

S: Imitate God therefore in everything you do, because you are His dear children.

O: I am to imitate/be like God in all that I say and do. I am His child! (that wows me). I know I am His. But to say it out loud really hits home.

A: I want to tirelessly chase after the things of God my savior. I must turn from evil speech, lewd jokes and foul language. Even to laugh nervously at something not pleasing to Him is sinful. I am His child therefore I must honor Him in all that I say and do.

 P: help me Father to absorb your word. Help me be and set an example of what your child says and does in this dark and fallen world. Let me be used by you. I love being your child.


Monday, January 20, 2014

GMG ~ Week One - Let's Be Intentional (forgot to post this one)

Week One Challenge:  Be intentional in developing a habit of spending time in God's word over the next eight weeks.  The week commit to WHEN I am going to read the bible passage and WHERE I will do it.

Week One Memory Verse:  Hebrews 12:1  Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.  And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

Week One:  This week I'm going to be intentionally focused on:  Sticking with the study.  I don't always follow through.  So this week I am going to be intentional in meeting God every day for an appointed time of study and prayer.

Intentionally Focused:  "We are created by a great God to do great works.  He invites us to outlive our lives, not just in heaven but here on on earth...May you live in such a way that your death is just the beginning of your life."  ~ Max Lucado, Out Live Your Life
