S: Your unfailing love is better than life itself; how I will praise you. I will praise you as long as I live, lifting up my hands to you in prayer. You satisfy me more than the richest feast. I will praise you with songs of joy.
O: Unfailing love, without error, reliable, constant
Satisfy, meet the expectations, needs or desires of. Fulfill, provide, adequately meet or comply.
Richest, plentiful, abundant, valuable.
A: There is nothing in my life worth more than God's PERFECT love. I need to praise Him with all my being for all he has done for me. Praise him for everything. Big and small. Good and bad. All day long. The more I meditate on the gifts he bestows on me, the more I will be able to be his witness for others to see how great our God is.
P: How great your love is for me, Father! Unfailing. I know you are there no matter what. In all areas of my life, you never leave me. Never let me down. I will sing of your love forever. Through all the stuff this life throws at me and even though here are times I've been angry over things, I know you love me anyway. Thank you for bringing me through the tough times. I still don't understand but I know you have never left me. Be with each of these girls as they go throughout this weekend. Give them health, understanding, wisdom and the ability to praise you in all of what comes our direction.